It's not all black and white

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"Your life never gets boring, does it?"

Emmett had that familiar smirk on his face that tugged on my heartstrings. It took me straight back to my human years, when him and I bonded over the little things I might have found joy in–a game, a joke, a simple bet. Emmett and I used to make bets all the time on the most stupid things, from how long it would take Edward to realize what I hid and where to how long Alice could last with a silly (but exciting) secret.

That was a long time ago.

"I blame your family for that," I muttered as I looked back at Deidre. The poor girl was still unconscious in Noah's lap, yet in her sleep she knew to curl around him for protection. It was quite cute, especially when directly across from them was Evie, who had David sitting on the floor between her knees while she played with his hair. He looked completely calm while her expression as she looked down at him was one of the rarest of all.

"Do you think they realize yet?" Rosalie asked as she came up to my side. I shook my head.

"No. I think it's different for them then it was for Noah. He knew the moment she saw her but for was a slow build. I didn't even see it 'til now."

Rose shrugged and slightly leaned up against my side. I couldn't help but lean into her; after tonight, I needed the comfort and I was not about to go interrupt Evie's precious bonding moment. Normally on a stressful night, I would go find Heidi and we'd do something, whether it was a normal cuddle session or some hunting. I couldn't handle her anger right now, and that was why she barged into the woods alone.

We weren't always good for each other sometimes, and we both knew it.

Part of me understood where her rage was coming from. She saw the Cullens as one singular issue in my life, the one particular problem that led to my human self's demise. For the longest time I did too, but Rose showed me a different perspective and out of everyone, even my family in Italy, she was the only one to validate my feelings with logic, because she too knew exactly what this felt like.

On top of that, while everyone was inside more worried about the fainted human on my porch, she decided to tell me exactly how she felt with my handling of this mission. It wasn't good.

"We haven't been here more than two weeks and already you have a newborn and a human who knows our secret. Our secret, Bella! That's one of our most sacred laws!" She had screamed at me, merely inches away from my face. "We don't have time to have a newborn on our hands, let alone two! And not to mention, your children? How does it feel that you put their lives in danger?!"

She's lucky Felix came out when he did because I would have probably tried to kill her. That's how high strung we both were, and understandably so. I knew she didn't mean what she said; she was just as scared as I was for Evie and Noah. But that didn't mean she wasn't the only one who was unstable in that moment.

Hence our separation; we needed a break.

Felix volunteered to go with her but instead Demetri went. From the look I got as he came out and left with her, I guess I was the reason for that as well.


Rose wrapped an arm around my shoulder and tugged me into the dining room to join the men. Felix and Emmett were in the middle of some conversation about their past and their strength while Jasper shuffled through the papers they had collected. The entire wooden table was covered and the floor surrounding it had papers thrown in every direction.

"Well, you certainly don't waste time, I'll give you that," I muttered as I stepped around them, careful to avoid muddy tracks on them. I hadn't gathered enough motivation to take the damn shoes off yet.

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