Wild Things

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"You did what."

It wasn't a question. I knew that. I didn't have to see Heidi's face to know it was rhetorical; she just wanted to make sure she heard me right. Or maybe she was giving me a chance to change my mind.

"I don't feel like wasting time trying to find the right look for a rave, Heidi. And I know for a fact you're just as clueless about this as I am," I said as I laid back on the couch with my eyes closed. Demetri lifted my feet to sit beneath my legs.

"So you chose Rosalie to help. Rosalie fucking Cullen." I could feel Heidi's red glare on me but I refused to look at her. If I did, the heat from her stare might melt my face away. It was bad enough I could feel the anger radiate off of her. "What the fuck, Bella? Are you serious? No. You have to be playing right now."

I shook my head. "Nope. She'll be here in two hours to help Evie and I get ready."

"You're letting her come in our home?!" Heidi growled. There was a loud snapping noise, and I could only picture her breaking the desk she leaned against. "I can't believe you right now. They hurt you!"

I peeked out at her with one eye. "We talked about this. I don't hold a grudge against Rosalie."

"But you do with the family she belongs to! That's like fraternizing with the enemy."

"Or common sense," I corrected and fully looked back at her with a bored expression. "She's not like us, Heidi. We don't keep up with the times; the Cullens do. And as much as the others hurt me, that doesn't interfere with our job. Duty first, right?"

She couldn't argue with that. The Volturi did what they needed to, no matter how it affected a guardsman individually. We all knew that too well. And frankly, Aro would have Heidi's head torn off if he knew she was arguing that simple rule.

"Which leads me to another surprise you aren't going to like."

Heidi rolled her eyes. "Don't tell me you're bringing her along. Bella, I swear to god if you do, I'll kill you myself."

"Not her," I answered quietly. "Jasper Cullen."

At that point, I might have started World War III in my little Forks home.

It wasn't just Heidi flipping out, now. Demetri had pushed my legs off his lap and his growls were damn near making the entire house shake. Noah was nearly as bad, except he was still seated. The only one not freaking out was Evie, because she and I had already talked about my options and Felix, who could give two shits if I brought the whole Cullen coven just as long as we finished soon.

"You guys done yet?" I'm sure my relaxed tone pissed them off more but I really didn't care. I wasn't a fan of the idea, not really. It was necessary, though, just to blend in the slightest bit more. If Jasper could help me with that, and I could suck it up and deal with it, then so could they.

"Please tell me you aren't letting them back in, Bella. Not after what they did to you..." Demetri's voice trailed off, his eyes pleading as the growls were drowned out in exasperation. He even gave me those signature puppy eyes that every other female swooned for. Luckily, I had a century to build my immunity.

Shrugging, I pushed myself up to look at everyone. "If you're questioning my choices, you can all go home. Aro has more than enough guardsmen that won't question me." My words came out in a growl, creating an awkward air that hung around us like a thick fog. "I don't like it. I don't trust the Cullens. But I'm doing my job here, and if my job includes working with Jasper Cullen to stop all of these rogues and murders, I'm going to do it without complaining. I suggest you do as well."

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