Finding Someone

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Bella was alone in her room. About an hour after the news, Sam and Jacob left to go ‘discuss’ with the rest of the pack. Emily stayed for an hour after that but then had to leave to start supper for her house guests. Charlie didn’t bother her afterward either; he was still angry that she wanted to keep her baby.

            How could he blame her though? This was her child! Sure, the child was half part of a monster but that made him no much less than half of her. She would learn to get over any reminders the child gave her of him anyways. She would force herself, for the sake of her child.

            The only problem was that she was sure the pack would find a way to force her into giving up her child. Knowing that the baby was a vampire hybrid, Sam and Jake would want it dead before it developed the possibility of even thinking. Charlie would be on their side, for sure, despite not knowing the full story.

            “But you can think, can’t you?” Bella asked in a sweet voice as she looked down at her slowly growing stomach. She felt the baby kick once, then twice, only seconds apart. She felt overwhelmed with joy. “My little nudger; I’ll never let anyone hurt you, I promise.”

She felt two more kicks, this time only a heartbeat between them. Bella couldn’t help but let her grin spread wider as she patted her taunt abdomen.

As she sat on her bed, she couldn’t help but let her mind wonder. She needed to find someone who would help her with her child, another vampire. That bad feeling in her gut told her repeatedly that there was no chance she would survive the pregnancy if she was left unchanged so now she needed someone to help her give birth, change her after her baby was safe, and keep them safe. But there wasn’t anyone who would do that for a stranger.

I don’t need a stranger, Bella thought to herself as the only other vampires she knew about popped into her head.

The Volturi.

At first, she wondered how she could think of them. They were cruel, sadistic, and terrifying but then Bella remembered what Aro had said when she had met him. He wanted to see what she was like as a vampire. He wanted her power.

Staring at the case full of money that sat on her dresser, she hesitated as she patted her stomach then closed her eyes. It was her only choice.

            Leaving a note on the table was probably not the best thing to do. She had done that the last time she went to Italy and had nearly given Charlie heart failure. She knew that if she didn’t and had just told him face to face though, he would never let her step foot out of her bedroom.

            She proceeded to carry all of her bags out to the curb. She still had the car the Cullen’s gave her, the missile proof one, and so she packed everything into the backseats. She had remembered to grab the keys so after going back and locking the front door, she got into the car and drove off to go to the airport.

            She used the cash for the tickets. Bella thought it was the safest option so no one would knew what she was doing. Since she bought first class, she didn’t have long to wait until she boarded her flight.

            Once she was on the plane, Bella settled in the soft leather seats with a sigh. She had gotten changed into something comfortable for the plane ride, just a pair of jeans and an overly big sweatshirt with her hair pulled back into a low ponytail. She decided that once she arrived in Italy, she would wear something fancier, like one of the dresses Alice had given her. For now though, she would sleep.

            Because of having to change flights twice, it took a day to arrive in Italy. When she did get there, it was morning; the weather was sunny and well-tempered. After getting off her last plane, she made her way to the restrooms with her luggage and went into the last stall. She must have gone through three bags before finding one with appropriate attire.

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