Another update.

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Oh my goodness. Has it really been 2 years? I know from reading comments it has seemed like that to you but it hasn't to me the story is just as alive and ever-changing now than it was then. I still know the story by heart and I promise each and everyone of you that I haven't forgotten.

What can I say? It has been hell, plain and simple. I gave a vague excuse of it being family issues but that barely coveted even a small part of it. You guys deserve to know why I disappeared and I hope after reading, you understand more.

For those of you in the US, you know it hasn't been pretty for the past few years. My family always had financial issues but it's been terrible since the last update. When I let you know I wouldn't be writing for a while, it was the worst of all of it. My family ended up losing our home and didn't have anywhere to go. It was the worst time of my life because I was so scared and so afraid that I wouldn't know how it would get better. On top of dealing with that, I was in the most stressful year of schooling and needed to focus on that and also hiding my problems from everyone around me.

Mentally, I was falling apart. I had become so depressed to the point of not knowing how I'd make it out in one piece. I won't go into detail but I did things i regret and still have nightmares about it. I try to block it out because it was a dark point in my life.

I was surviving. Not living.

Its still rough but it has gotten better. I'm still depressed but I'm on medication and in counseling. We have a home but finances are still stressful. I've graduated and am in college now, with a steel-like goal that will prevent everything that has happened from happening again. I'm getting better.

My only issue is writing. Everything I have gone through really damaged my creativity and my inspiration. I haven't written anything substantial for months. I've been trying to work on original projects but it's like my brain has been retired. I keep praying i can continue my journey with my passion but it will take time.

I hope this sheds light on the whole ordeal and that you understand. I want to thank those who have been patient with me. Your kind messages and well wishes mean more than you'll ever know. I have felt so alone but hearing from you has helped kept me grounded. I may not know any of you well but I love you and keep you in mind.

Please, keep me in mind and pray if you do. I definitely need the support right now. Thank you.

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