B-Ball with Emmett

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Chapter Twelve

            Today has been a roller-coaster. My emotions have been going haywire, not that I blame them. I felt like a hormonal teenager on her first period; God, how I hated those days. The mood swings killed me.

            After a good lunch, Evie and I went to gym class while Noah followed David to his next class. I was actually kind of excited about going to gym. There, I could let a little loose. Not too much of course; I couldn’t expose myself to the humans but I should could have fun and run around. Sure, the running would feel like walking to me, and I might get a little frustrated by having to hold back but at least I could do something.

            My positive feelings took a sharp turn when I saw that Emmett and Rosalie were in my gym class. I hadn’t realized they combined grade classes now but I should have known with my serendipity. Ever since I came back here, I have been abandoned by all things lucky.

            Once again; damn it.

            Like I said earlier, I was in no way mad at Rosalie. Hell, she’s the one person I expected to ditch me. We since the wedding, we were on mutual ground but in no way did we have the same sort of relationship that I had with Alice. How could I hold hard feelings against her? I just couldn’t because we weren’t close. Alice, on the other hand…

            I shook my head, stopping that thought in its process. I was not letting her back into my mind. No fucking way. I had enough of that right after I turned; I would tearlessly weep from the abandonment of my sister. It was almost as bad as the douchebag.

            The others... they were different. I was more hurt than angry. I understood with Esme; she had a family to take care of. A whole group came before none, no matter how much it upset her. Carlisle was similar. He had a lot of trust, being with him the longest. He also always respected my feelings. If he convinced Carlisle, he would do what was best. Emmett was that protective big brother that I always wanted. He even threatened him a few times; just gentle warnings of what would come if he ever hurt me. Did he honestly not know the truth?

And Jasper...well, I don’t know. We weren’t too close, thanks to my ex’s watchful eye. He was scared that Jasper would try to kill me again… or at least scared he would give them away and expose their kind. God forbid they kill the chief’s daughter, right? They’d have the FBI on their asses, that’s for damn sure.

I wonder what my father would say about me now. He’s long gone, up there in the heavens with my erratic mother, her husband, grandma, and Billy. I hope he would be proud of me and the choices I’ve made. Maybe so much of the drinking from humans but my job requires that; can’t be weak when you’re out killing leeches, as Jacob would say. Maybe Charlie would give me credit for not killing anyone now. With the kids keeping a watchful eye over me, and my unexpected control in the beginning, I managed to keep my kills to a record low on the guard.


The sultry and sophisticated voice tore me from my thoughts as I changed in the locker room. Both Evie and I paused in mid-dressing to look up, only to see Rosalie standing there in her golden glory. She was still gorgeous, even in the cotton shorts, worn t-shirt, and hair pulled back. She was definitely a heartbreaker.

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