The End

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Thank you so much for voting and reading this story. 

This was not the ending that I planned on writing when I started this book. 

But I wanted to be done with both my stories by the end of summer. I've accomplished that, and I'm extremely happy and proud of both works. 

With that said, I didn't feel passionate about this story anymore and I wanted to give my all into it, by finishing it like I did, I know I gave my all. 

I'm sorry for those who wanted them to have a happy ending. We all know, especially in Sons Of Anarchy, that happy endings don't exist. 

I am proud of this story and I am proud of the beginning and ending of it. 

Feel free to leave questions about this sudden ending, I promise I will answer all of them. 

Thank you again. 

With much love,

His Little SisterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum