Chapter 32

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Weeks passed since the blood drive. Happy painted the baby boys room, Dallas Alexander Lowman, grey with a accent wall blue. While Tig painted the baby girls room, Bailey Rose Lowman, grey with a accent wall pink. 

Both nursery are coming together. Gemma and Clay bought them two matching cribs, Bubba bought them two matching dressers, and Jax bought them two changing tables. Jax also gave them all the clothes that Able doesn't fit into anymore. 

The club threw Val and Happy a baby shower. The guys gave them gift cards to baby stores and most of the crow eaters got them clothes. Luann got Val so much girl clothes and Happy and Val had to come back and two times to get everything. 

They were ready for the two babies and Val was done being pregnant. She was a little over 32 weeks and with twins that means she can go into labor at any moment. 

The club was struggling and the only thing keeping it from exploding was the old lady's. Jax and Clay were at each others throats and nothing can stop the two from fighting. When they went to jail a huge fight broke out and nothing seems to be helping. 

Lyla and Opie are now together and Tara and Gemma seem to hate it. But Valentine loves the idea of it. 

The club was slowly dying, JT's book put ideas in Jax's head and he wants to make his father dreams come true. Happy was just trying to keep his family safe from the Nazi's that are making them self known among the club and the club members family. Val was ready to be a mom. 

Gemma decided to throw a Sunday dinner. It didn't go as planned. 

There was fighting and there was hateful things said. 

"Luann is dead." Was what caused all of it. Caused the fighting, caused the plate shattering, caused Val to go into labor. 

Happy was the first to see it. Val fall to the floor, her screams making everyone go quiet. Tara rushed over to her. Checking that everything was ok, it wasn't. Chibs called the cops and Happy watched as his wife was rushed into the ambulance. 

Happy speed to the hospital, Hale had his sirens on so that they wouldn't get pulled over by any of the cops. Happy laid his bike down and rushed into the hospital. Tara jumped off Jax's bike before he turned it off. Tig jumped off his bike and laid it down next to Happy's. Juice was the one that picked up both of there bikes. 

Everyone from SAMCRO was in the waiting room. Happy was walking back and forth, it was driving him crazy that he couldn't be in the operation room with his wife. With the woman that taught him what love was. 

Gemma was shaking and kept drinking coffee. She was on her fifth cup. Lyla was sitting on a chair, her legs under her butt, playing with her hair. Opie just walked in from dropping Able, Lyla, and his kids off at the babysitters house. Jax was sitting there, his thumb in his mouth thinking about his sisters screams and the pain on her face. 

Tig, was thinking of the times where he held her when she had a nightmare and wished that he could do that know. Her screams echoed in his head. Her face was a vivid picture in his head that he couldn't erase. 

Happy continued to walk back and forth. Every now then, he would run his hands over his head. They have been there for over two hours, Tara hasn't came back and talked to them. The nurse's didn't make eye contact with them, and every time Happy tried to ask someone, they gave the same look. A look that meant they didn't know. 

"It shouldn't take this long." Happy heard Gemma say. "I had a C section and it never took this long. Something's wrong." Happy played her words over and over again in his head. 

Halfsack came back with food but no one was hungry. David Hale was there and so was Unser, the guys didn't care about them being there. Happy just wanted his wife and his babies to be ok. They need to be ok. The waiting room was filled with bikers and their old lady's. Everyone was tired and exhausted and nothing seemed to matter besides Valentine. 

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