Chapter 30

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Season 2
Third Person

The past couple of days seemed to go by quick for Valentine. Since the club became partners with Luann everything at work became fun. Val got to see the guys more, especially Happy. While Juice and Chibs watched Lyla work, Val and Happy were in Val's office.

Happy watched as Val worked on the computer. He watched as her acrylic black nails typed fast on her work computer. Happy noticed when ever she transferred the files to paper how she would look bite her lip thinking. He loved when she would muter words like "what the hell" and "I'm not getting paid enough for this shit".

Valentine loved that Happy was around more. The club is so demanding especially towards him because he's the enforcer. But sometimes she would get annoyed with some of the porn stars. The acted like 15 year old girls obsessed with the idea that they can get into on of the Sons pants. Most of them know Val by now, the smart girls not going near Happy. But sometimes there's that one that just doesn't listen. Val has no problem setting them straight.

Val is now 18 weeks into her pregnancy. She's not going to go full term because shes having twins but so far, they're perfect. Shes cut a lot of things from her diet and shes been eating better. Which makes Happy eat better. Tig gets mad because when he comes over there's no chips in the house, only fruit and veggies.

It's been about a week since Gemma's accident and shes not the same. She jumps whenever someone comes up behind her or when she sees a mini van. Val questioned it more than she likes to admit but she didn't bring anything up to Gem.

Ever since Bobby's party Val's been opening letters from her mother. Every time Val sees Tig he hands her more. She reads at least two a day and she reads her fathers memoir also. Val decided to let Happy read it. Happy thought JT's book was odd, he thought that the club he wanted was nothing like the club that is in the present. But Happy got where the man was coming from and he found it interesting that JT talked about a young Val more than Thomas or Jax. Happy didn't question it though.

"Hey Val, I need to talk to you." Bobby said coming into Valentine's office. Val looked up from her computer and then looked at Bobby. He sat down in the fake leather chair that was in front of Val's desk, next to Happy.

"Yeah, ok." Val closed her computer so she can see and looked at Bobby. "What about?"

"Clay wants me on books. And I thought you might have something to do with doing the books here." Bobby stated. Val's mouth fell open a little. Doing the books was basically her job. Of course she does other things but she does all the files and all the pay checks and all the records of all the stuff that goes on around here.

"I do lots of things here. I make sure that all the actors get checked from the doctor once a month and I get their medical record, that's now in the computer. I transferred all the files to the computer using spread sheets. I..."

Before she could finish Bobby cut her off, "What type of files?"

"Um... receipts for the props, the rent of the studio, the cost of each movie. The website file, all the doctors checks, just everything that you can think can be in a yellow manila folder I transferred into the computer. I make sure that the well being of the girls are ok. I'm basically HR for the girls and guys here. I do lots of things. I do pay checks and the bills. I run the website and Juice wants to take that over." Val took a breath and lowered her voice, "if Clay thinks that he can have you take over my job he has another thing coming. I have two babies on the way and I can't afford to lose my job."

"Val I'm not trying to take your job but Clay wants me on the books. I'm sure we can work something out."

Bobby got up to leave and Val stood up. She opened a door that was behind her and called for Bobby. "All this paper and all those filing cabinets are filled with stuff that I didn't go through yet, if you take over you would be lost. I've been doing this for three months and I'm not even done everything. You can tell Clay to suck my dick because you aren't taking over."

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