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Valentine Teller was what you call a bastard child. Her father was John Teller, a founding father of Son Of Anarchy. Her mother was a sweetbutt from Arizona that up getting pregnant with his child. He didn't even know her name. It was in early July 1990 when JT found out about the sweetbutts pregnancy. As soon as he found out he automatically told his wife at home. They just lost their youngest son Thomas and John didn't want his wife to be kept in the dark with something like this. Gemma was not happy, she didn't want him to have a child with someone else. However, she knew JT would not turn his back on a child that could possibly by his, so Gemma suggested getting a DNA test; John jumped at the idea. When the test came back saying that it was his, he was petrified. He just lost a child. He didn't want or need another one. But when his little girl was born he was already in love. She was born on Valentines Day so he and her mother named her Valentine. 

As time went on, John made monthly trips down to Arizona every two weeks to check up on her. When Valentines mother didn't take care of Valentine the way John wanted her to, he made her sign over all her rights to him. Yes it was a little extreme but he didn't want to share his baby with anyone. She was only one year old when he took his baby girl back to Charming to be with his wife and oldest child Jackson. While in Charming Valentine automatically was favored by all the guys. Her favorite though was Alexander 'Tig' Trager. If you couldn't find Val all you had to do is call for Tig and she'll come trotting up with him. Sometimes JT even got jealous of Tig because of how she acted towards him. Like he was her father. It made sense though, JT was always gone when she was little and Tig loved her the most out of all his brothers. Tig was always with her. Always playing some sort of game or trying to brush her wild hair. He was better with her then his own kids.

In 1993 when Valentine was only 3 years old, things where getting hard and dark within the club JT knew something was going to happened to him.  He made a will that said his baby girl would go to Tig if anything was to happen to him. It's not like he didn't trust his wife Gemma, he knew that Gemma loved his daughter but Tig loved Valentine unconditionally, like she was his own daughter. Tig and Val had more of a father and daughter bond then he did with her.

In 1994 when JT was dying in the hospital bed he told Tig about his will. Tig of course thought it was his dying joke but it wasn't. As soon as JT died Tig was moving all of Val's stuff into his small 2 bedroom house. Which was now her house. Valentine was 4 when he died. She didn't understand why he was gone for many, many years. She would always ask when her daddy was coming home but he never came back. After about a year of asking when he would be back home, she just stopped asking. The guys didn't know which was more sad her asking or her finally realizing that JT was gone for good.

When Valentine was 6 she started calling Tig bubba once in a while. At first no one payed much mind to her but when he would come back from a run she would run up to him yelling bubba over an over again like she used to do with JT when he would come back. She started calling him bubba all time and that's when they asked Tig why she calls him bubba he just replied with,

"She knows JT is her father and she didn't feel it was right to call me dad so she started calling me bubba. She said I was her dad now but I guess out of respect of John she won't call me dad. So she calls me bubba."

As years went on they never heard her call him Tig. It was always bubba even when she was mad at him.

Jax and Valentine were 12 years apart but they were still close. Jax was the topical over protective brother. Never letting her go on dates when she was a teenager. Always thought she was too young, short, pretty, sweet, and smart to do things. Jax never thought he would be this protective of someone but he is. And now that she's 18 he's fighting off his brothers along with Tig. Especially Happy Lowman.

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