Chapter 33

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The kids are now 14 years old. Both of them knowing everything about their mother from their uncles, grandpa, and father. 

Vala Rose acted more like Happy and Dallas acted more like Val. Dallas had his dads eyes, while Vala had her mothers. Both of them had Happy's dark skin and hair. But their faces looked like hers. 

Happy's kids made him forget the pain of losing his wife. He never married again and he never took off his ring. He got her name tattooed on him, along with his kids names. All over his house there was pictures of her alive and well. He wished it was him 6 feet under and not her. 

He worked at the TM still and Lyla still worked in the Porn studio. Able and Thomas visit every other weekend and spend time with them at the garage. Tig married Venus and Chibs had an on again off again relationship with Althea Jarry, the Captain of the Police department. 

The club was legal and now ever race was aloud in. Happy was chasing guys off the lot because of his daughter. And girls should up for his son. The have a dog named Harley, they got her after Mayhem passed away. 

Happy visited Val's grave every week, changing the flowers. His kids come too and sit and talk to her for a while. Sometimes he drives by the grave yard and see Vala sitting down and talking to Jax. 

Vala and Jax were close. They were best friends and Happy felt like she loved Jax more than him. But he never questioned her, he was gone. Nothing was the same. Everything was different. 

The pain isn't gone. It will never be gone. 

But all was good. 

Even if only for a second. 

His Little SisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon