Chapter 20

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Season 1
Third Person 

"How was the run?" Valentine asked as Happy came into the house that the two of them shared. He knelled down and petted Mayhem who was excited to see his owner. 

"Fine. We patched over the Devil Tribe. Your Uncle Jerry was asking about you." Happy answered, pulled Val into him giving her a long kiss on the mouth. 

"And what did you say?" She questioned. 

"That we're getting married in a month and that he should come down and be there. Said that he knew that you would marry someone scary." Happy laughed at the last part. He pulled away from his fiance and put his bag of dirty clothes in the laundry room so Val could do the laundry later. 

"You're not scary baby, you're a love bug." Val said to her old man. She missed him terribly and was excited that he was home from Nevada. She couldn't wait to go to the doctors and see the baby with him. 

Val opened the sliding glass door out to their massive backyard and let Mayhem out. She walked out to the big wooden deck and sat down on the patio furniture. Happy got a beer and followed her out sitting down next to her. 

"This is new." Happy stated. He looked around and noticed a big glass table with red mesh fold up chairs. On the grass was four big lounge chairs surrounded by a fire pit. 

"Bubba's selling the house and because we have a big house with a big yard he gave us all the outside furniture. Thought it would look nice and now that we're going to be a family with a kid, it would be god to have outside seating." 

"How's the baby?" 

"The same as the day before silly. It's the size of a peanut but my belly is bigger then it's supposed to be. I haven't gained a lot of weight either, maybe two pounds." Val stated looking at Happy. He nodded his head and watched Mayhem chase birds. 

"You think he's going to be good with a baby around?" Happy looked at Val and saw that she was deep in thought. Valentine never thought about how Mayhem was going to act around a new human being. 

"He better. He barely lets you touch me before he gets all mad and starts barking at you. Imagine a baby that's always on me." Mayhem was very protective of Val and Happy loved that. But Happy did have to emit that it got annoying because every time he does something that he doesn't like he starts barking. Once Jax came over and hugged Val, Mayhem jumped up and bit Jax on the arm. It was hilarious at the time but now the more that they think about, the more cautious they are about bringing a baby around him. 

"He's a weird dog." Happy stated. Both Val and Happy looked at him chasing birds and a butterfly around their backyard. "Come here will ya." Happy demanded. Valentine got up and walked towards Happy, sitting on his lap, her legs hanging over the arms on the chair. She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. 

"I have the Taste Of Charming later today with Gemma." Val got off his shoulder and looked him in the eyes, getting lost in the deep dark eyes. 

"What the hell's that?" 

"It's a fundraiser the Gemma started for Charming schools. The club was deep in shit and had a bad rep in town so to get on the good side Gemma started it. Its fun and family oriented." 

"Why are you helping?" 

"Because I offered. I always do it. Bobby does Elvis and Bubba helps him. Opie did the fireworks but when he went away Jax started doing them but this year Opie's doing them again. Clay usually is by Gemma handing out whatever she makes. And the rest of the guys are either messing around or security." Val explained the whole thing to Happy. He seemed not interested. 

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