chapter thirteen...

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It had been a month of pure bliss. Jason and I were doing great and we were more or less living with each other considering when I wasnt at his house he was at mine. David Cole hadnt shown up at work for a while and as much as we were worried about him we were happier that he wasnt around to make our lives a living hell. So the only downside of all of this was that  I had caught a bug but it wasnt serious. 

Jason was in my livivng room watching t.v and I was in the kitchen in his shirt making breakfast for us. I was happy. Matty called it the honey moon stage claiming that Jason was too good to be true and something was bound to go wrong but he was happy for me. My front door was opened and a gush of cold air was let in followed by  a very shocked looking Matty with a newspaper in his hands.

"Jeez Matty don't you know what a door bell is for!" I said to him.  but he wasnt deterred at all.

"Check this out" he said  throwing the paper infront of me"

MAN AND WOMAN FOUND DEAD AT A WAREHOUSE.The body of fifty three year old David Cole  who was reported missing three weeks ago was found  in a run down warehouse with an unidentified woman lastnight by some local college students. The body was missing its genitals and hands while the woman's neck was broken. Police have no suspects yet but it is suspected that this may be the same killer who struck a month ago and murdered college student Chase Murray and his mother. Our heart felt condolence go out to the victims families.

"OH my gosh, he's dead" I said my hand going to my mouth.

"I got to go I was on my way to work I just wanted to show you that"

"I'm sorry, I'll see you" Matty patted my hand and walked out.

I  put the eggs , bacon and juice on a tray and walked to the living room with the paper under the tray.

"Babe you'll never guess what happened" I said setting down the tray next to him.

"What?" He said taking some toast and buttering it up.

"Check this out " I said handing him the paper"David Cole my boss, he's dead. They found his body last night in some warehouse."

"Why wouldn't I have guessed that?" he said looking amused.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Nothing" he looked away from me

"Noo, what did that mean?"

"I mean he was trouble right, he got what was coming to him. He must have fucked with the wrong guy's girl or something , I mean they found a a female body with his right?"

"Yeah probably, " I said brushing it off. "Have you seen my phone I cant find it "

"No. I havent"

Then it hit me. 'Crap I must have left it at your place yesterday after turning it off"

"Here" he handed me his house keys," I have to go to work for a bit but i'll see you in like an hour or two, you'll be there right?"

"yup, I said taking the keys as he stood up done with eating.

"Make sure you eat something today or i'll force it on you" he said kissing me before getting up and leaving.

I had lost my appetite and when it came , it came hard. I got up to get dressed to head over to his house. I needed my phone. I had promised Chris and Sal that we would have dinner together tonight because ever since Jason and I started dating all my extra time was spent with him or Matty. I missed my pals plus we had a lot of gossip to catch up on especially now.

I opened the doors to his house and entered the security code. I walked straight upstairs to his room and scanned the place with my eyes for my phone. The bed was still unmade. I took the sheets off and threw them on the floor. Might as well fix the bed up while I'm here. I heard a thud and bent to check what it was. My phone thank god. I picked it up and turned it on . six missed calls from Chris. two from Sal. I texted them assuring them that we were still on for tonight . 

I gathered the sheets in my arms and walked into the bathroom to put them in the laundry basket. Jason's shirt was hanging out of the basket. He hadn't done his laundry in a while from the looks of the basket. I dumped the sheets in there and pulled the shirt to put in there nicely but it caught my eye. It had blood on it. I pulled it out and his jeans came peeking out of the basket too. They also had blood on them. I backed away scared and stummbled causing me to fall and land on some black boots. They had a stain on them. Blood. 

Oh crap. What the hell is going on. I got up and walked into his closet. There was nothing unusual in there. My hands roamed the rack of clothes when my eye caught some light coming from behind one of the racks. I parted the clothes and pushed gently on the wooden wall. It opened . My breath caught in my throat. There was a room filled with pictures of me on different occassions. Coming from work, going to work, hanging out with my friendsand even me sleeping.They were not taken from inside my house. They were taken from what seemed to be through the window. But what scared the shit out of me was the pictures of David Cole and Chase Murray on a desk.

I was freaked out. Why would he have all these?

"Babe! are you in here?" I heard his voice come from downstairs. I ran out of the closet and grabbed my phone. I ran downstairs my heart beating in my ears.

"I want you to tell me the truth" I said seeing him put his keys down on the table by the front door.

He looked surprised and confused. "Uhhhm okay, whats on your mind?"

"Did you kill David Cole?"

"What, is this about this morning?" He said smiling and cocking a brow.

"Answer me, I saw the room with all the pictures your clothes and  they have blood on them, did you kill him"

"He deserved what he got you said it yourself"

"N o I didnt"

"Yes you did , you told me that you wish he'd just drop dead"

"So you killed him, " I said my voice barely coming out as a whisper. He walked up to me and and was going to touch my face but I backed away.Tears were coming out on their own now and my breathing was fast.

"I did it for you" He said taken aback by my reaction.

"And the kid from the bar?"

"He was failing in class, on drugs and only causing his mother pain"

"So you killed him and his mother"

"Keira, why are you freaking out he grabbed your ass?"

"So that was reason enough to kill him?" I said harshly

"He touched you"

"So did you" I put my hand over my mouth as my vision was clouded with tears. He was walking towards me again but I held a hand up and he stopped. 

"I dont want to ever see you again, I want you to stay away from me and forget that you ever met me" I said with more courage than I thought I had.

"You dont mean that" He said with an unsure smile.

"Stay away from me" I said walking towards the door but he grabbed my hand. He looked heart broken.

"I love you"

"You're a murderer"

but that look was quickly replaced with an evil smirk and a scoff.

"That doesnt change that I love you and you love me"

I forcefully removed my hand from his and walked out of the house not daring to look back I got into my car and drove as fast as I could to get the hell away from him. I parked the car infront of my house before letting it all out. Jason is a killer and what made it worse is that he had done it in my name.

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