chapter four...

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The man was a gentleman. I had to give him points for that. The minute I pulled up at the parking lot I spotted him under the sign that read 'State carnival' exactly where he said he'd be waiting. I parked my car and walked towards him smiling. He looked good in those black jeans and white v-neck t-shirt that fit him like a second skin.

"So when I suggested a carnival, I didn't think you'd take it to heart"

I smiled sheepishly and bit my lip," I'm not exactly known for my creativity,look at my job. It was either this or a bar. I thought you deserved more than a very drunk and  rowdy version of me"

"Yeah I can tell" He was also smiling at me and was standing infront of me," Hi"

"Hi" I said blushing but he was kind enough not to point that out.

He held out his hand for me and I took it. He led me into the very crowded carnival's entrance where we skipped the line after he nodded at the clerk at the entrance who nodded back with a smile. Impressive we didnt have to wait in line. He thought ahead of time. Points fot that.

"So I figured as much on the creativity thing so I tweeked the whole carnival date thing to a, more date like situation" He said still smiling.

"And how is that?" I said furrowing my eyebrows. 

He stopped walking and turned around to face me." I need you to close your eyes" he shouted above the noise.


"Close your eyes"

"Promise me that nothing is going to pop out of something to scare me"

"I promise" 

I shut my eyes as he took my hand in his and led me to god knows where. The noise suddenly died down but I could still hear people's laughter, the music and peoples' voices it just wasn't as loud. We came to a stop after walking for a few minutes . I don't know what had possessed me to trust a total stranger who asked me to close my eyes and follow him. This was crazy but I surprisingly didn't mind. Normally I didn't  even agree to go on a date with a someone I knew without some convincing from Matty or one of my other friends. This new side of me was different. I could smell the fruity scent of flowers around me.

I heard the song by a great big world , say something , playing around us.

"You can open your eyes now" He said. I could hear the smile in his voice.

The place was full of balloons on the ground with a few flowers here and there. All the flowers were of bright colours that went along with the whole carnival theme. It was beautiful yet whimsical at the same time. We were standing at the entrance of where the carnivals' adult rides were and there was a sign reading out of order.

"This is amazing" I said looking around.My eyes landed on a asign.

"The're out of order" I said pointing out the obvious.

"No, I uh ,I rented them out for us. They had to put the sign up"He said looking away from me.

"You rented these rides out?"

"Yeaaah, " He said looking a little embarrassed.

"You're kidding right?"

 Lifting his hand to his hair , "No uh i'm, i'm not actually"

"Wow, " My eyes were wide and I dont even know what I was feeling at that point. "so we can go on any of these rides?"

"Whichever you like"

"You do know the song thats playing is more of a break up song right?"

"It sounded good and fit the whole romantic fun night out that I was going for"

"Well you are spot on on the romantic part, so can we find out about the fun part,"

"After you" he said as he opened the tiny gate for the carousel.

I walked in and he helped me onto the large horse considering i'm not too tall and he was like nearly six feet tall.

The whole night he kept me smiling and laughing. He was the perfect guy. After eating way more cotton candy and corn dogs than neccessary and five different rides later, we decided to call it a night.I had literally been smiling all night and my face hurt.

"So you did all this for our first date" I said as he held my hand walking towards my car.

"Does that mean there'll be a second one?" He asked smiling.

"I hope so, I cant wait to see what you have in store for me next, I mean what can top this"

"You'd be surprised"

"I doubt it"

"What do you say to Sunday " He said as we stood toe to toe as we reached my car.He was playing with my hand in his. I looked up to face him.

"Sunday sounds great "

He took in a deep breath as he stared at my hand. Then he lifted his head to meet my eyes.

"This might sound unconventional to ask, but can I kiss you?" His smile faltered slightly. He was nervous.

"I was hoping you'd just go for it"

And with that his lips descended on mine gently but full of passion. I put my hands around his neck and my fingers went to his hair pulling it slightly. He pulled away from my lips but his forehead stayed on mine his eyes still closed. He smiled weakly ."You're alot of fun"

he pulled away completely and kissed my forehead. 

"Goodnight, See you on Sunday?"

I was smiling like a silly school girl talking to her crush,"See you on Sunday"

I got into my car as he stood there watching me before going to his car. T urning the ignition on, I couldn't help but smile. He was the perfect man all wrapped into one. This is awesome..

hey people. Though it may be slow , it gets better dont worry. Stay with me because in the next few chapters things are going to get a little sick. wink wink:) Please give me five votes or comments.

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