chapter one...

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Keira's P.O.V

The minute i get to work eveyday it's the same. My asshole of a boss rides me for not being perfect at my job. I'm an analyst/ law consultant who works from eight to ten. Yes I work fourteen hours a day. Reason being i have a  boss who is bitter that i turn down his passes and blatant sex offers constantly.He keeps me at the office hoping that i might change my mind and fuck him. I can't and won't fuck the old balding bastard because he's married, ugly as fuck, old, i'm a virgin who believes in the whole right guy right time romantic scenario and just plain nasty.But i won't qiut, why? Because even though i hate my boss, I love my job. Every day, i help as many people as I can with their cases and advise them. I mostly deal with those who can't afford to pay the regular consultantcy fees and those who can't afford lawyers. I get them the help they need for them to receive justice.

I deal with all types of people both clients and non clients and It's hard work but the reward of putting a smile on someone's face after they receive justice for the wrong that's been done to them makes it all better. Not to mention the pay. The pay is pretty good, so that puts a smile on my face.

I got dressed in a form fitting navy dress suit with a white blazer and navy heels. The outfit was business but could also walk into a bar after work without earning me too many what is she doing here looks.

I brushed my hair and decided to let it down. I was feeling optimistic today. Maybe because I was moving out from the two bedroom apartment i shared with my best friend Mathew but I just called him Matty. It had gotten to the point that I didnt realise he was being talked about unless you called him Matty. I was moving into a two bedroom apartment tomorrow just a few doors down my current one because I couldn't live with Matty but I also couldn't live without him. T he six foot male was a manwhore and had caused me sleepless nights with his constant moaning with the opposite sex and the banging of the wall that connects our rooms . He had tried to keep it down for me knowing how exhausted I would get home but had failed miserably. Can't live with him but you can't live without him.

Adjusting my dress to its proper length I grabbed my car keys and the files I had left the previous night on the kitchen table. There was no point in waking Matty up he had just gone to sleep after a really long night and morning of unadulterated and scandalous sex with one of the local grocery store's attendants.

The minute I walked through the wooden doors of the office longe I could tell I was going to have a long day. The people today were more than usual. All the seats were filled at the reception and people were standing all over the room

"Busy day we have today" I heard the familiar voice of Chris Greenfeld my co-worker and friend on the fifth  floor making me smile.

"What's going on?"

"The relocation of the people who settled on the Ross plot. They're kicking them out"

We walked towards the elevator and I entered pressing the fifth  floor button.

"Oh, why are they kicking them out?"I said lookung at my reflection on the shiny doors.

"Ross and company want to build some type of complex or something of the sort, I couldn't care less. Either way they are all lost causes. They were there illegaly" He said with an eye roll.

The elevator doors dinged open and we walked out, that annoying feeling of your stomach being pushed up after being on an elevator still in my system.

I walked over to Sally the fifth floor receptionist. She was already smiling. I loved her because she was always smiling and happy.

"Morning Ms. Knowles" she greeted. You could literally hear the sunshine from her voice.

"Morning Ms.Stark" I countered a cheeky smile on my face.

"What's with the Miss Stark?"

"what's with the Ms.Knowles"

"Sorry , I forgot'" she scrunched her face up.

"I'm only twenty three not fifty three"

"I'll keep that in mind".

Chris was right on my heels as I walked into my office, which was pretty small. All the offices in the building were pretty small except the devil's office( David Cole) which was quite big being the boss and all. I really didn't get why he was the boss yet he didn't do anything but harrass anything that had anything that didn't hang between the legs.

"Here are todays designations which so happen to be the dead end Ross case files. Sally said she'll send them in as fast as possible so we can go to lunch outside this shit hole." He said throwing the files on my desk then putting his index finger on his lip.

"Your's seem more than mine. I wonder why?" the sarcastic tone of his voice only added to the dread growing in my stomach.

"Haha get to your office, you never know , Cole might get a taste for  some German sausage one of these days"

"That's not even funny. I . I don't have time for this" raising his hands,

He walked out of my tiny shoe box of an office and went to his own which was opposite mine. I pressed the number two on the landline on my desk for Sally's phone.

"Send them in Sal"


Hii:) people . This one was a doosey but hang in there we will get there. Let me know what you think. 

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