•Dear Exmate• *

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-Third-person POV-

Alexandria, in wolf form, runs and runs, never stopping, not giving herself time to think of what is going to happen. She does not allow herself to think of Lucas, her sons, the sweet little girls, her pack, Maddox's family, Kyle's lies, Kyle's rejection, the fact that she may never have a family with Lucas, mating Lucas, having Lucas's children, what'll happen after. Nothing. She runs and she doesn't stop running until she reaches her destination. She stops in front of Maddox. She shifts and fakes she knows nothing. "What is it, Maddox? Why did you want to meet me urgently?" She lies straight through her mouth, acting concerned.

"To see me of course," someone says. Kyle steps out of the shadows, with his remaining pack and holding a little girl and a woman. "Kyle?" She acts surprised and then glares. "Well, hello to you too" he rolls his eyes. "What is this about?! Ryder?" She turns to him, still acting. "I'm sorry. Kyle, you have her. Just give me my mate and my daughter back, please!" Ryder apologizes, knowing she's lying but still sincere. "Your mate? Daughter?" She again acts surprised.

"I really am sorry but he held them pr-" he begins explaining. "Shut up. Let them go. Get out of her Ryder. You completed your job. I have my mate back" Kyle growls. Ryder's family runs to him and he grabs them. His men surround them as they walk away, him looking grateful as they get in and disappear. "I'm no longer your mate. I rejected you. I completed the breaking of the bond" Alexa points out. "Maybe so, but I see you bear no mark. I suppose you two never mated. I heard you two broke up" Kyle smirks.

"I don't have his mark, that is true. He bit me though. Those are lies, we did it to protect our pack and kingdom. That's why he hasn't re-bitten me and we didn't complete the mating. I love him and he loves me. I don't need to bear his mark because I know he's my mate and I'm his beloved" Alexa jabs. He growls and comes at her. "You're my mate! Understand!?" He yells. "No, I'm not Kyle. You rejected me first. You used me and then you threw me away! You never loved me. You love no one! You took my virginity and then blamed me of being a slut and seducing you! My father, that man right there, never even believed me!"

Her father looked away. "You both hurt me so much! I used to hate you so much, it hurt! Now, you're just sad. You finally broke. Maybe both you and Sean didn't want Dulce and I but the bond broke you. I got a second chance mate with someone special while you... you got what you wanted. No mate, ever. I won and you didn't. Eventually what the Oracle said is coming true. You will fall and I shall rise" Alexa tells him. He grabs her by the neck but she easily pushes him away and walks towards where the man she called father is standing, looking at her intently. She goes to the back pocket of her pants and the wolves get into position, ready to attack at any false moves.

She shakes her head and takes out the picture she took when she left and she gives it to him. "Here, you may have been a bitchy father after Kyle, but when I was little, you were the best father and as I was growing up you taught me many important things, even after she died. You said I always looked like her. You deserve it for those years, even if you hit me and offended me. I forgive you. Honestly, I do, just hope she forgives you. I hope she does too because losing a mate is hard. I should know because I'm losing mine and he's losing me" She says as she hands him the image.

He cries as he holds the picture and she turns to Kyle, who is amused by the scene. "You wanted me? Well, here you have me. I'm ready when you are. I'm not putting up a fight" She says. He smirks as he orders his men to grab her. They do so, cuffing her with wolfsbane dipped cuffs. He takes out a syringe and puts it in her arm. She winces from the pain before her eyesight turns fuzzy and the last thing she sees is Kyle's evil grin before falling unconscious. They throw her into a car and Kyle gets in with her father, who is still looking at the picture. "What's the big deal with that picture anyway? Don't they have a lot of her on the Supernatural Internet?" Kyle asks, clearly confused.

"Yes, but those are all formal, not how she really was. This one is of her when she didn't notice. We were having a picnic. Only us three. I have another of the two smiling and making funny faces" Her father explains. He smiles at the memories and Kyle rolls his eyes. When they get to the warehouse, they take her to the cells. "Alpha?" Her father says. "Hmm?" Kyle says, not paying attention as he watches "his" mate.

"May I go to my room? I want to put this into place" Her dad asks. "Yeah, whatever. I'll mind link you when she wakes up" Kyle says. He thanks him and he scurries to his room. He locks the door and puts the picture into the frame. Tears fall from his eyes and he falls to his knees. He pulls another picture he always keeps. This picture was of two people. A young and beautiful woman, who was smiling widely and sticking her tongue out, while holding a beautiful little girl with the older woman's eyes, hair color, and complexion. Basically, her twin if she were older.

She has her eyes wide open and smiling, showing her little missing teeth. He cries even harder and he starts begging for forgiveness from his mate and silently from his daughter as well. He talks about making mistakes and he places the pictures beside one another. He slowly wipes away his tears and he gets a link. He makes sure his eyes show no signs of him crying and he puts an emotionless face on before heading to the cells. He sees his daughter awake and emotionless.

"Well, well, well. I see the princess is awake. Welcome to my humble adobe. Isn't that right, Mr. Carter?" Kyle chuckles darkly. Alexandria's father fakes a laugh and nods. "Of course, Alpha. I'm going to get dinner for you. Where will you feast tonight?" Her dad says, eager to leave. "I think I'll eat dinner with my mate. How about it sweetheart?" Kyle says as he turns to Alexa. "Go rot in hell, you piece of shit" Alexa curses. She may not have given a fight but that didn't mean she would succumb to his every whim.

"Go to hell? Me? Of course not. Now, you should watch your words my darling or else you won't get dinner" Kyle warns. "I'd rather die than eat dinner with you! You pathetic coward!" She says. He hits her and glares. "Look who's talking! You were fooled! You fell for my trap!" Kyle laughs. "No, you got fooled. I knew about this all along. I found out about Maddox's family and I knew you wanted me. I wasn't going to let you hurt innocent people" Alexa laughs.

Her father hides a proud smile.

"What!? Oh, I'm going to make that bastard pay!" Kyle punches the wall. "Ha! Joke's on you, fool! He ought to be at my pack by now! You won't destroy my pack! Ever!" She lies. He slaps her harder and he looks at her father. "She does not get any meals" Kyle orders. "Yes alpha. I understand" Her father replies. They both walk out and Kyle turns to face him. "I'm going out to get information. I'll be back around midnight. Don't feed her or give her any water. Inject the wolfsbane in her in five minutes" Kype commands. "Yes Alpha," Her father says, bowing. He's glad the council removed the Alpha status from him. He was free from him now.

He no longer feels a connection but he is somehow forcing the links to stay together. He slams the door of the warehouse and leaves. In exactly four minutes, he grabs the syringe. He goes into the kitchen and people scurry away. He grabs a loaf of bread and fakes he is to eat it. He walks down to where the cells are and where she is tied up. She sees him and ignores him. He leans down and gently feeds her the loaf of bread. She nods thankfully.

"How did you know?" He asks. "I and Lucas adopted quintuplets. They are our precious children. As well as sort of adopted these five beautiful girls. The ones from your old pack. I think they're mates. Anyways, one of them is sensitive. He can see what happened, what's happening, and at times what will happen. When he used that potion on me, and I thought I was going to lose my mate, I lost it. I have...water powers. I submerged myself in a lake and then I decided to end everything but Luke saved me. Tyler told me what happened. Don't tell Kyle about my powers or Tyler's. Please, I'm begging you. They're my children and I have to protect them"

He understands the urge to protect her pups. He nods slowly and he grabs the syringe. He looks at the time and he realizes the effects should be wearing off. "Contact him. Hurry, I have to put this in you" Her father says. She nods and sends a quick link to both her mate, though it's weak, to her children and Janelle and Jennifer.
"Thank you," she says. He nods and inserts the syringe into her arm. She winces but nods before falling asleep. He sighs and walks upstairs and to his room. He closes his eyes with his hand close to the picture of his once-perfect family. He will make things better. He may die but he cares not. He cares only to make things right.

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