•Story time• *

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After the boys helped me take all the beds in their respective places, they also helped place the couches and everything we got. By the time everything was done, including plumbing and electricity, it was 10:59 p.m. I was ready to tell them. "Okay, sit down guys. I guess I should start from the beginning. I'm Alexandria Rene Summers. Formally known as Carter, banned member of Black Star, rejected mate of The great alpha" I gave an eye roll. "I spent a whole year traveling to every pack but once they heard of me being banned from that pack and rejected by him... they kicked me out. I then met Janelle and Jenny. They saved me from being raped by that coward while his minions were holding me" I shiver.

"I was living in the castle in the meantime. Then I told them my idea. They agreed. At the time, we were gonna wait to see if we got more people. We rebuilt a part of the castle to live in. Then we met the girls. We went to the council and they allowed us to start our pack. We then started everything and here we are" They nod and I smile softly. "Oh yeah. Our name is due to the pack being all women. But as you saw, that didn't happen.  Men aren't allowed to go outside. I want them to fear us. I guess the men think by calling us sluts is bad. Therefore no one ought to tell the vendetta is a lie or I'll skin you. I swear" I threaten. Luke laughed.

After hours of talking, we got to meet one another and I found out who was who. I still was unsure of who was what creature, but they were all amazing guys. "You got it, my dear. Now we must leave. We will be back tomorrow with the rest of the beds" Luke said. "Okay, leave through the back. Take the truck. It's tinted. Bye guys. Goodnight" I kiss them on the cheek and they all smile before leaving. "Not now Janelle. Goodnight girl. I'm super tired" She looked skeptical but nodded. I rush upstairs and fall asleep as soon as I get to my new bed. God, I love this shit.

Part II: The boys' stories

I wake up to pounding on the door of my new room. I say come in and Luke is there. "Hey, Lu. What's up?" He looks at me with lust. I look confused before noticing I only have a silky, but still a bit skimpy, tank top and short shorts. "Oh. Sorry. Anyway, what do you need?" I rush to my closet and close the doors. Now you'll say why am I changing to not make him uncomfortable, like f him! But supernatural creature men have to face twice or even more the normal emotions a human man. And I have the feeling he isn't the human.

I grab sweats, a black tank top, and pull my hair into a slight bun. I get out and sit in my bed. "Okay, so what was it you needed Luke?" I ask, genuinely curious.  "Well, the guys and I wanted to tell you how we all came to work and be friends. I suppose you know we aren't all wolves" he explains. "Yep, but I never knew who was who," I say softly, watching him. After a minute or two, he finally speaks. "I'm a vampire. Sebastian and Elliot are the wolves and Devon's human. Now let's go downstairs. We'll tell you what we are to all of you" I nod and grab a hoodie, cuddling into it.

I put on shoes and we go downstairs where all the pack is. I wave and we all sit down on the couches we settled the previous night.  "Let's start with the human... Devon" Luke motions and Devon stands. "Er, okay. I'm human, as you just found out. I was born in this town, not knowing of werewolves or anything. Then one day, I was attacked while I was going home. A vampire was about to kill me when Sebastian and Elliot came and saved me. The vampire was killed and I was helped" He explained. He sits down and they watch Luke, their leader of sorts, I believe.

"Eli," Luke says. Elliot grins and stands. "I belonged to the Starshadow pack before it was murdered. I lived 3 towns away when I met Sebastian when he was a rouge and we almost killed each other. Then we became like best buds and like brothers then we met Dev" He sits and without a single word from Luke, Sebastian stands and begins his story.

"I was a born rouge. The werewolf King sent for the Rouge King's people to be brutally murdered. Almost everyone was wiped out. There, my family was killed. My mate, my children, my parents, and my friends. I was driven crazy by revenge. This went on for a while before I met Eli. We became family. Then the king was deemed unworthy of his title and the council took over. The New Rouge King is supposedly the old Rouge King's only child. I never forget what he did. Eli and I saved Devon and we became close" He sits. I smile kindly at Seb. "Ok. Now, where does Luke arrive in all of this?" I ask. Luke positioned himself to look at her.

"I, my dear, am not actually Luke. My real name is Lucas King. Vampire Prince, to be, of the Vampire Kingdom. But... I kinda ran away. And I'm here. I met the guys when they were out talking and they smelled me. We just met and hung out, became buds, then when the guards came looking for me like two towns away, we hid here and that's all" he shrugs. "So you're the Vampire Prince. News says you were found and are back home" I look confused because we clearly saw him there. I just hadn't noticed. "That's a back up to hide the fact they can't find me... so yep. Well, it's been nice knowing ya. But we leave in some days" He stands quickly and the others follow his move.

I stand. "Hey. How about you become part of our pack! We, I don't want to sound weird or discriminating, but we accept everyone! Well except those like my dear ol' mate. But yeah. Please. You are like super. Please!!" I plead, not knowing why but they laugh and nod. "Great. There's just the fact my pack is considered as all female but let's let them believe what they want. We've got lots of time. So how about we go get your stuff, deal?"

We get their things from the rooms above the store where I got the beds. The old lady was sad to see them go but was happy they'd gotten "new" jobs as my security guards. We came back home soon after. I tell them where their rooms are going to be. I head to my room and sit down. I shower and change. I see Luke there. I hug him and he hugs back. "Hey. Why did you run away?" I hope I don't intrude. "Well, my parents wanted me to get married to this lady. Like a Royal Lady. But I said no. They gave me no choice. They had already started planning. Not to mention she was way older. The last second before I was forced to go in, I ran. I wanted to meet my beloved" he smiles up at the ceiling. I smile sadly, feeling sad for some reason. "Did you ever find her?" He is about to answer but I hear a ding and I go downstairs.

I see a council's newsman. I open the gate then close it. He bows. "Don't bow. Stand. Now, what is it?" I ask "Very well, Alpha Summers. The council is eager to visit and they'll be here tomorrow" he says and my stress levels rise. "Very well, thank you. Don't mention what you have seen here" He nods and leaves. I look over to the pack. "Well. Let's finish the last final touches. Let's get to work guys!"

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