Chapter Seventy Nine

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The Battle

Defending the castle was a short task, as the Death Eaters had quickly penetrated the castle and began their attack once they arrived. George never left Arden and Lena's side, saving their lives numerous times. 

Arden had engaged in so many duels that she had lost count, luckily winning all of them. Lena felt sick each time she had to kill, but she knew that she had to in order for this battle to be won, for the world to be at peace.

George lead the girls back into the castle as a group of Death Eaters started gaining on them. 

"Bombarda Maxima!" Arden cried over the sounds of war, pointing at the large group of enemies behind them. There was a large explosion, sending the Death Eaters in all different directions, some wounded, and some dead. The three found other DA members, and fought alongside them.

Meanwhile, Harry, Ron and Hermione searched the Room of Hidden Things for Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem. The three split up, leaving Harry alone as he searched. He stopped in his path as he saw Draco, Crabbe and Goyle blocking his path, all pointing their wands at him.

"Well well, what brings you here, Potter?" Draco asked. 

Harry glared at Draco, "I could ask you the same thing. Don't you have a baby to take care of?" Harry taunted.

Draco gritted his teeth and glared at Harry, "that's none of your business-"

"I'm pretty sure it is my business, since she is my friend." Harry said, "maybe you should stop worrying about people poking into your business, and start worrying about your girlfriend who's out there killing your friends."

Draco's eyes widened, "she's h-here?" He stuttered.

"Get a grip Draco," Goyle whispered, "don't be a prat, do it!" He urged. 

"Shut it Goyle!" Draco hissed, "you said she was here Potter? Are you lying to me?" Suddenly, Hermione came out of nowhere behind Harry, and disarmed Draco. Crabbe casted the killing curse towards Hermione, but she deflected it with a stunning curse. Ron appeared, and began chasing the three Slytherins down.

"THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND YOU NUMPTY!" He screamed as he ran after them. Hermione felt her cheeks burn up as she smiled at Harry. Ron immediately began to run back towards Harry and Hermione, screaming as flames followed him. "CRABBE SET THE BLOODY PLACE ON FIRE!" 

Hermione didn't have time to protest as the large monster made of flames surged towards them. The trio ran from the fire, the flames only missing them by millimetres. They turned a sharp corner, picking up brooms for the each of them. The three flew above the flames, searching for the exit through the smoke and fire. 

Harry flew above Goyle and Draco, where they both had climbed to the top of a tower of furniture. Harry swerved to go back to them, but was unable to grab on to either of them due to Goyle weighing Draco down.

Ron shouted at Harry over the roaring flames not to go back for them, but Harry knew Arden would have his head if he left Draco to die, not to mention he couldn't bare knowing he left two people to burn to death, even if they were his enemies. 

"IF WE DIE FOR THEM I'M GOING TO KILL YOU HARRY!" Ron shouted. Harry flew downwards toward Draco, and pulled him up onto the broom. Ron was reluctant, but he grabbed Goyle. 

The group flew out and landed on the concrete outside of the Room of Requirement. Harry grabbed the diadem from his pocket, and stabbed it with the Basalisk fang that Hermione had given him before entering. A stream of black smoke ejected out of the diadem along with high pitched noises. Harry grabbed the diadem and threw it into the fire, panting as the doors closed.

Draco picked himself up and fled the scene to look for Arden.


A flash of red light shot past Arden and hit Lena. Lena cried out in pain while the Death Eater that hit her with the cruciatus curse laughed. Arden scowled at the man, and pointed her wand at him. "Crucio!" She casted. The man fell to his knees as he clutched onto his stomach. Arden kept her wand pointed, and flames were emitted from her wand, setting the Death Eater on fire.

She turned back to Lena who was wiping the tears from her eyes to notice what Arden had done. "Are you okay?" Arden asked. 

Lena nodded, "yeah, I think-" Lena's eyes widened as she saw a maniacal Bellatrix Lestrange grinning evilly at them. "WATCH IT!" Lena shouted as she shoved Arden away from her. Bellatrix had thrown a dagger towards Arden, intending it on stabbing her in the back. 

Luckily, Lena's shove caused the dagger to graze against Arden's arm, cutting open her jacket sleeve, and leaving a shallow cut in her skin. Arden cried out in pain and turned around to Bellatrix, who stood there laughing.

Bellatrix attempted to strike Lena with a curse, but she blocked it. Arden and Lena both dueled against Bellatrix, which was a lot more difficult than they expected. Bellatrix made a slashing movement with her wand towards Arden. A stream of purple light hit Arden right in the chest, making her gasp and fall to her knees. 

Lena scowled at the foul woman, and hit her with the cruciatus curse multiple times. After Lena's ears started to ring due to Bellatrix's shrieks, Lena used a disintegration curse on Bellatrix, making her explode into tiny pieces of ash. 

Lena ran to Arden's side. Arden winced as she put a hand to her ribs whenever she tried to move. She felt nothing but pain inside of her, although there was no sign of external injury. Lena looked around the chaotic hall for someone who could help her. 

"George? GEORGE!" Lena cried as she spotted him fighting with his mother. George ran over to Lena and Arden. "Get her back to the Burrow! She's hurt!"

George looked at Arden with a raised eyebrow, not noticing any injuries. "What hit her?" He asked.

"I don't know! Bellatrix just pointed her wand! There was a purple light and she just fell down!" Lena cried, "just get her out of here!" 

George nodded as he carefully picked Arden up, wincing as she screamed in agony. George disapparated with Arden, leaving Lena to frantically search for the DA and the Order.


The end is near and I'm rattled omg

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