Chapter Fourty Four

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The Department of Mysteries

The group of six were slowly brought down to the Department of Mysteries as they stood cramped in the lift. The group stepped out, trying to make as little noise against the black tiles as they could.

Arden squinted as she tried to navigate the dim lit hall. The blue flames of the numerous torches weren't complimenting the jet black tiles and black wooden doors.

"Where do these doors lead to?" Lena asked.

"I don't know, but one of them leads to Sirius." Harry answered.

Arden and Ron both stuck their ears to one of the doors to try and listen for any danger. They both shrugged from hearing nothing, and opened the door together.

Inside, a large tank with an odd green solution stood in the centre of the large room. The glass tank was filled with odd, squiggly objects. They were brains.

"Are those-?" Arden began.

"Brains!" Ron exclaimed. "Hey Harry, there are brains in there, ha ha ha, isn't that weird?" Ron laughed. Harry merely ignored Ron's joking and kept peeking through doors. There was one room with a large arch in the middle, with an odd sheer veil that filled the middle.

"Do you hear that?" Lena asked. "The whispering?"

"I was just about to ask that." Harry answered. Neville nodded as well. The others looked that Harry with confusion as he kept staring at the arch.

Hermione sighed. "Harry we have to keep looking." She urged.

Arden stopped in front of one door that Neville was trying to break open. "Alohomora." Arden casted, but the door didn't unlock. She sighed. "Either I'm terrible at charms or this door doesn't want to be unlocked..."

Lena hurried over and took a pin out of her hair that kept her now longer fringe out of her face. "Magic shouldn't be able to block traditional Muggle ways of sneaking around locks." She said as she tried to pick the lock. "I've done it loads of times to my father's secret files that were enchanted to stay shut, maybe it'll work now?"

"How much d'you reckon that's the room he's in?" Ron asked.

"It's the only door with a lock on it, that must mean whatever is in there must be really important." Lena replied. "If the Dark Lord really did take your god father, Harry, wouldn't he make it so it's difficult to get into?"

Harry shrugged. "I wouldn't expect him to make us pick a lock to get to him..."

The door slightly swung open, and Lena got up from her knees. She gently pushed the door open to reveal a large room. Stone benches were placed around the room, and descended down steep steps where there was a garden. In said garden, was a large fountain. The unusual liquid in the fountain had a beautiful mother of pearl sheen, and it immediately caught Arden's attention.

"That's not the room I saw..." Harry sighed, as he kept looking.

Arden ran down the steps as the wonderful scents washed over her. She could smell the broomstick polish that Cedric used for his old Nimbus 1700, Butterbeer, and Draco's strong peppermint aroma. Arden stopped as she reached the marble fountain. Being closer to the beautiful fountain made all of her readings of Potions in her free time worth something.

The fountain was filled with Armortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. All Arden wanted to do was to drink as much as she could, but she knew the dangers of the potion and quickly ran up the steps and out of the large chamber.

The group were already walking through one door behind Harry. Arden quickly hurried over to them and made sure not to stray from them.

The room had a ceiling as high as a cathedral. It was dark, only the tips of the group's wands lit their path. High shelves of dusty glowing orbs were stacked.

"Row 97, that's what I saw." Harry ordered. The group stuck together as they searched for the row that Harry mentioned. Arden held onto Hermione's hand for reassurance as she felt uneasy walking through the dark room.

They eventually found row 97. There was an orb sitting on a shelf that seemed far dimmer than the overs due to the amount of dust packed onto it. The tag attached to it had Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort written on it.

"Harry it has your name on it..." Neville said uncertainly. Harry stepped closer to the orb.

"I guess it does..." He reached out to hold it, but Hermione stopped him.

"You don't know what could-"

Harry shrugged. "It's got my name on it, doesn't it?" He snapped. Hermione sighed as she let go of Arden's hands to fold her arms. Harry held the glowing orb in his hand and stared into it as if he were in a trance.

The D.A members were too busy being mesmerised by the glowing orb to notice the dark hooded figures surround them, until they heard a grim voice speak up.

"Very good, now hand me the prophecy." It spoke. Arden looked around the room and saw approximately 12 figures surrounded them. The hooded figure that spoke walked closer to the group.

"Where's Sirius?" Harry ordered.

The figure chuckled. "You should really learn the difference between dreams." The figure pulled out his wand. He waved it over his head, which caused his mask to vanish into smoke. The long platinum blonde hair and his steel grey eyes were unmistakably Malfoy traits. "And reality..." He finished.

Arden gasped as she saw the face of Lucius Malfoy be revealed under a Death Eater mask. Her gasp caught his attention, and the two locked eye contact. Arden looked at him with fear, and he had the same look. He never expected for her to be here, and he had just revealed himself as a Death Eater in front of her.

"You only saw what the Dark Lord wanted to see... now hand me the prophecy." Lucius slurred.

Harry stepped back, holding the prophecy tight in his hands. "If you do anything to us I'll break it." He threatened.

Suddenly an ugly cackling sounded from the darkness. A woman with untamed curly hair and pale skin emerged from the darkness and stood next to Lucius.

Arden felt her head spin. Never would she have believed that the spells Harry taught her might actually come in use, especially against the Dark Lord's followers...

One of which was her boyfriends father...

Arden was too busy trying to steady her breathing for her to hear Harry order the group to run. She stood in complete shock as the rest of the group were sprinting down the rows of prophecies.

And that's when Lucius Malfoy looked at her with a dark look in his eyes. He placed his index finger on his lips, indicating for her to keep quiet. She didn't dare to run despite hearing Harry scream out her name multiple times, she was already caught, and she knew that if she ran she had a high chance of being killed.

Lucius pointed his wand at her, and Arden instantly fell to the ground, unconscious.


You guys aren't ready for the end of year 5. Next chapter, we'll finally finish year 5 and year 6 will begin.

I hope you all don't hate me for what will happen.

Thanks for reading, tell me in the comments what you think is going to happen xoxo

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