Chapter Fifty Six

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Katie Bell recovered rather quickly. It was still December, and she was roaming the halls with her friends close to her to keep her safe and in sight.

Harry Potter had a hunch that Draco Malfoy was the one who cursed Katie. In technicality, it was Madam Rosmerta who gave the cursed necklace to Katie, but Rosmerta has been under the Imperius curse, controlled by Draco since he first arrived.

The stress was getting to him. Draco sent a poisoned bottle of mead to Slughorn, hoping he'd gift it to Dumbledore, but Slughorn has instead made it a part of his large collection of alcohol.

Obviously the cursed necklace hadn't worked, since Katie was the one who touched it and not Dumbledore.

His plans were falling apart, his only option left was to repair the Vanishing Cabinet before the year ended. It was only December, but with the amounts of homework and the possibility that he may be killed if he doesn't complete his task, Draco was starting to break down.

He wasn't eating or sleeping, he just didn't have time for either of them. He never had free time, but if he were lucky, Draco used it to snatch an hour or two of sleep.

"You can't keep going on like this." Myrtle whined. "Let me help you, please!"

Draco brushed her off. "I've told you, you can't help me."

"But if you just tell me who-"

"You can't help me!" He snapped. His loud voice echoed throughout the bathroom, attracting a nearby pair that happened to be walking by.

Arden stopped walking. "Was that Draco?" She asked.

Harry looked into the boy's bathroom, and saw Draco leaning over a sink, hyperventilating.

"Yeah... stay here." He warned. Harry opened the doors to the bathroom, but Arden yanked in his wrist and stopped him from leaving.

"Harry he sounds as if he's in pain." She said worriedly. "And I don't think you're going in there because you're worried about him..."

"Just stay here, I'll be back in a minute."

Arden stepped forward to follow him, but with the few students walking by she realised it would look suspicious if she were walking into the boy's bathroom.

Draco ripped off his tie, and his sweater. He looked at his broken self in the mirror. Draco gripped onto either side of the sink tightly as his hyperventilating became faster.

But in the mirror, he saw Harry standing far behind him. Draco found the strength to calm down, and quickly turned around to face him. Draco breathed heavily as he waited for Harry to speak.

Harry begun to pull out his wand, but Draco was quicker and used a non verbal spell to stun Harry.

Harry dodged, and the two engaged in a duel. Draco dodged Harry's stunner, making it hit one of the basins and causing water to spurt out of the broken faucet and onto the tiles.

"Stop it! Please don't do this!" Myrtle screeched. The boys ignored the crying ghost as she yelled at them whilst they caught.

Arden heard all the commotion and stormed into the boy's bathroom, utterly furious with Harry for starting a duel.

Draco had no idea why Harry was going to pick a fight with him, you'd think someone as amazing as Harry Potter would leave someone alone if they were breaking down, even if it were his enemy.

Draco's rage grew stronger the more times he had to cast hexes and jinxes in Harry's way. Draco could easily stop and simply surrender to Harry and ask him to leave, but that wasn't very Draco Malfoy.

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