Chapter Sixty Seven

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For the 14th night in a row, Arden sobbed into her pillow late at night over the situation she was in. A sleep deprived Pansy Parkinson ditched one of her pillows at her, causing Arden to stop crying instantly.

"It's been weeks, Diggory. Draco isn't coming back, now can you just get over it so I can get some sleep?" She spat.

Arden grabbed the pillow and threw it back onto Pansy's bed. "You don't know anything about me Parkinson, just let me cry this one last night, then I'll be out of your hair all summer and you can catch up on all the sleep you've missed out on." Arden snapped.

Pansy groaned as she laid her head back down on her pillow. Arden found her sadness replaced with a foul mood thanks to Pansy. "You're lucky, I guess you'll get a good night's sleep earlier than planned."

"Oh aren't you just a treasure." Pansy sighed sarcastically before dozing off to sleep.

Arden laid in her bed, wide awake, wondering how she was going to go about this situation brought upon her.

She knew she had to tell Draco, but how was the question. She couldn't just write him a letter and send it to him, someone could be suspicious of where the letter came from, maybe someone would read it before it got to Draco to check what it was. They'd find Arden, take her to Malfoy Manor and do who knows what; force her into the Death Eaters? Perhaps even kill her since the Death Eaters are truly that cold hearted.

What Draco would think was the other big issue. He could never talk to her again, drop her, disconnect from her, Arden doubted that Draco would be ecstatic to start a family with her at this age.

She sighed as she realised there was no good thing to come out of this. Her relationship with her parents will be affected greatly, she hadn't written to them at all about not coming back home, she didn't dare to tell them why, but of course it wouldn't take long for them to notice her with an infant and quickly figure out what had gone on.

Arden was going into hiding with the Lovegoods and Lena, waiting out the war like a coward. It annoyed her that she couldn't do anything, that she was so helpless, but she knew that it was her own fault, she was the one who put herself in this situation.

She just hoped that she'd be able to be in contact with Draco soon, and that he won't abandon her.


Draco sat on the edge of his bed. His hands were tugging at his blonde locks as he leaned over trying to steady his breathing as the images of that night replayed over and over.

Arden's eyes whitening as she fought the Imperius curse, the splattered body parts of a fellow Death Eater fallen victim to a blasting curse, and the moment where he killed one of the greatest wizards of all time.

Narcissa Malfoy knocked gently on her son's door. She hadn't seen him much since he got back, for he was hold up in his own room, afraid to face anyone. She opened the door, clutching onto her chest as the pain of seeing her son in such a bad state hurt her so.

She sat down next to her son, placing a hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

"Hush Draco, breathe." She purred in her calm, nurturing tone. Draco looked at his mother, and copied the pace that she was breathing, and felt calm instantly. "Come out, everyone wants to see you."

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