Chapter 32-Worst Nightmares

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Chapter 32-Worst Nightmares


A few days after the whole note situation, and we still had our eyes peeled for Mark's next move. Yet nothing happened, this game he is playing is getting quiet old and I'm getting tired of it, everyone is getting tired of it. In all honesty, we just want to end it once and for all, but if he doesn't make his next move we can't make our final one.

"Sleepy, tired and hungry." Amy stated as she plopped down in one of the empty desk in our last period class. Every since she got her note from Mark she hasn't been able to sleep a wink at night even though she got her parents to fix the lock on the back door without actually giving them a reason why, her mind still seems to be stuck on the fact that Mark was in her house.

"Here" I said handing her a granola bar I had in my bag. Amy gladly took it and started to eat it.

"Thanks, you're such a life saver." She said after finishing the granola bar.

"I'm no candy." I said smirking a little. Amy rolled her eyes at my lame comeback but I saw a small smile on her lips.

"What are you doing after school?" She asked.

"Well, I have to go and pick up Tyler at his daycare since my parents are working late tonight. So I have to take care of him for the rest of the day." I said simply.

"Aww, brother sister time." She said grinning.

I chuckled lightly. "Yeah, I haven't spent time with Tyler in a long time, so I'll use today as my advantage to do that."

"Good, you need something normal in this hectic life we have." I nodded and turned my attention to the teacher who had just walked into the now full classroom.

After class was done I said goodbye to Amy and headed outside to the parking lot. Yes, I actually drive school today! It's a bit of a shocker since I am lazy and snag rides from my friends a lot. I mean A LOT.

I felt muscular arms wrapped around my waist as I near my car. "Where are you going in such a rush?" A deep voice whispered into my ear. I looked over my shoulder to see Aiden behind me.

"Well," I said turning around to face him. “I have to go pick Tyler up from daycare today. My parents are working late tonight. I can't be late picking up my brother, how would that make me look as a sister?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"A good one if you spend time with me." Aiden retorted smiling widely.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Ha-ha, very funny. But I haven't spend any time with Tyler in awhile so I was thinking of take today as a chance to catch up with him."

"Aw, you're such a good big sister." Aiden said ruffling my brown hair a little.

I smacked his hand away and patted down my now messy hair. "I'm amazing." I said playfully. Okay, I'm not the best big sister out there, but I try to be as close as I can for Tyler.

"Personal praising is a sign of being conceited." Aiden argued with a smirk.

I gapped at him. "You do it all the time!" I exclaimed.

"No, I just state facts. So your argument is invalid." He said simply.

I could feel my left eye starting to twitch in irritation. "Aiden, your ego has to be as big as this universe times ten."

"But you love it." He stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Uh-huh, sure."

"You don't love me?" He asked stepping closer to me.

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