Chapter 9- Partying on a Tuesday night? Oh what fun.

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Chapter 9- Partying on a Tuesday night? Oh what fun.


I cut her hair and now she's gonna kill me. I didn't mean to do it. I just saw the pair of scissors on the table and thought 'Hey, why not tease her a bit?' But the nerd whipped around so fast that my hand slipped and the end of her hair was cut. I stare at her in shock as she does to me, until it morphed into anger, and that's my cue to get out of there. So I did the smartest and stupidest thing, I ran. Me, Aiden Black, the bad boy ran away from Emma Miller, the nerd. What has the world come to? But in my defense you should have saw her face, if looks could kill I would be six feet under already.

I sprinted down the stairs and darted into the kitchen. This is a big house she won't find me. "Aiden! Where the hell are you!?" I heard her yell from upstairs. Damn, she's getting closer. I tried to stay quiet as possible and tip toed to the door that leads to the backyard. I figured if I leave her in the house alone while she tries to hunt me down, that she'll eventually get tired and give it a rest. I was about to reach for the knob until I heard the voice I dreaded to hear.

"Where do you think you're going?" Emma said in a low menacing voice. I froze at the sound of her voice. How did she get here so fast? I turned around to see Emma glowering at me as she moved closer, I moved back out of response.

"I-I wasn't going anyw-where" I said trying to stay calm, but it was failing miserably as I look at Emma. "I d-didn't mean to cut your hair, I was j-just playing around" Damn my stammering.

"You cut my freaking hair Aiden!" She yelled at me. I wanted to flinch at her tone but I knew better.

"I know! I'm sorry" I said a bit too fast. She stared at me for a couple of seconds and I did the same watching her every move. Even when she's angry, she's still looks beautiful. With her full lips parted trying to control her breathing and her bright green eyes narrowed at me and pieces of her brown hair falling out of her ponytail to frame her round face. Aiden shut the hell up! She wants to kill you! I snapped out my thoughts and continue to stare at her until she burst out laughing. Laughing. All I could do was stare at her in bewilderment. What the hell is she laughing about?

"H-holy crap, your face was priceless!" She said trying to control her laughter, I narrowed my eyes at her glaring till she ceased.

"Are you done laughing?" She nodded still trying to catch her breath. "So you're not mad?" I asked cautiously.

"I was at first, but when I saw the fear on your face, that was the best revenge I could have ever got on you" she stated.

"I wasn't scared of you" I said defensively. She gave me 'your-kidding-right?' look and I just glared at her. No way in hell I was scared of her. Okay maybe a little, but I'm not gonna admit that to her.

"Alright, I think it's time for me to go home" She said looking at the clock in the kitchen. I felt a bit disappointed when she said that, but I guess that I do have to get her home now.

"Okay get your things from my room and meet me outside" She nodded and headed back upstairs. I went outside to wait for her. Car or bike? I thought. Car, I don't want to scare her with the bike again. I walked down the path to the garage to get the car. Why do I feel like I forgot something? I parked the car in front of the house and leaned against it waiting for Emma. What did I forget?

Emma came walking outside looking a bit pale. "Something wrong? You look a bit pale." I asked concerned. Why am I concerned?

"Y-Yeah I'm fine" She said nervously, I eyed her suspiciously but let it go. "So um, no bike this time?" She questioned.

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