Chapter 24- Revealing The Truth

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Chapter 24- Revealing The Truth


"You were in love with her! She came to me the day after you confessed to her that made you heartbroken! Why don't you just tell Emma that you're using her to get over Mia huh!? We all know it's true!" Mark yelled back at Aiden landing a punch at Aiden's jaw which caused him to respond with a punch at Mark's nose. I didn't know what to do, I just stood frozen there and at that time Matt and Derek pushed through the crowd and saw the fight and grabbed Aiden off of Mark.

Mark got up off the ground touching his jaw. "This is not over." Mark said staring Aiden straight in the eye menacingly then turning and walking away the opposite way.

I looked over at Aiden who was breathing heavy and was staring straight at me and saw that he had a bruised jaw and instead of tending to it I turned and walked away weaving through the crowd. Different thoughts were running through my mind.

Aiden was in love with Mia.

Mark just said that Aiden was using me to get over her.

Was that true? Was Aiden really using me to get over Mia?

Well one thing was for sure I was not about to stick around to find out.

"Emma!" I heard Aiden's voice yell above the blasting music. I ignored it and continue my weave through the crowd till I reached the exit of the club.

"Emma, please hear me out." Aiden pleaded catching up to me and grabbing my arm to stop me from walking out the exit of the club. I ripped my arm away from his grip and walk straight out the club exit out to the cold night. Honestly, I didn't want to hear anything from him right now as these thoughts of him actually using me to get over Mia ran through my mind.

"Sweetheart, please just let me explain." Aiden said catching up to me and grabbing my wrist this time ceasing me.

"Explain what?" I whipped around to face Aiden, I could feel angry course through my body. "Explain what exactly Aiden? Tell me, what Mark said about you using me to get over Mia, was it true?"

Aiden ran a hand through his thick brown hair and sighed, he looked hesitant to answer. "At first yes, but Emma I-"

"I'm done, so done with you right now." I said interrupting him. "And here I thought that you liked me for me, I never thought you would be a person that would use me." I laughed a little at that, but that small laugh was filled with my heart aching that was just cause by Aiden's confession. "I was a fool, a fool for ever thinking you wouldn't use me. I was a fool for ever lo-" For ever loving you. It just dawned on me as I was ranting on that I was in love with the guy in front. I, Emma Miller am in love with Aiden Black. I felt the shock of the discovery jolt through my body. I'm in love with Aiden. I look at Aiden to see his eyes widen in shock, he probably figured out what I was gonna say. I ripped my wrist away from his grip to which he was still frozen in shock of my almost confession. I couldn't just stand there even after my almost confession, so I just turned away from his frozen statue and walked away into the busy city night leaving Aiden and the club behind.

How could I be so stupid to think that a bad boy like him wouldn't use me to benefit himself? Because you saw the better in him. Even if I did see the better in him, it didn't give him the right to lie to me. He might have been afraid to tell you the truth. Why though? Maybe because telling you the truth meant losing you. Damn, I hate when my brain is right.

A gust of cold wind blew hitting me directly in the face, I wrapped my arms around my body tight trying to conserve some body heat, it doesn't help that I'm dressed in a laced top and it's about freezing outside either. I looked around to at my surroundings and saw a Starbucks across the street. Just the plain sight of it made me felt warm on the inside. I walked across the street and into the warm building of Starbucks. I walked up to the counter, ordered a hot chocolate and once I got it I took a seat at the closest table sipping on it aimlessly as I got lost into my thoughts.

Loving The Bad BoyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora