Chapter 3- On my mind

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Chapter 3- On my mind


All I could do was stare after her, I couldn't believe she dissed me and winked at me all at once. Emma. That damn nerd has been on my mind since she crashed into me this morning. I mean yeah I've seen her around school a couple of time but I never spoke to her till this morning and of course I noticed that she is pretty with that soft light brown hair that falls down to her shoulders when tied up, high cheekbones that frame her face perfectly, smooth flawless skin and curves in all the right places.

Damn I sound like a chick describing her celebrity crush. Get over it Aiden, its Emma the nerd. It's one chick you have tons lining up to get with you. Snap out of it. I tried to convince myself. I smirk at the thought. I do have tons of girls lining up for me. I'm Aiden Black, the school's bad boy and player. Guys fear me and girls love me. Call me cocky if you want but I call it confidence. I swung leg over the motorcycle in front me and straddled the seat.

"Hey man." I heard a voice call out just before I place the helmet on my head. I look to see my two best friends making their way towards me. Derek Smith and Matt Ryder have been my best friends since third grade. We've been through tons of crap together as a trio. We've partied together, got drunk together, got into numerous fights together. Hell, we even shared girls with one another, not at the same time though.

"What's up?" I said to them as I slapped their hands.

"Nothing much dude" Said Matt. "We saw you talking to that nerd chick you crashed into early, what? Already chasing after her?" he finished with slight amusement in his eyes and Derek smirking.

"We can already see you getting whipped." Derek stated teasingly punching my arm.

I glared at both of them. No way in hell am I chasing after a nerd and getting whipped. I mean I don't even like her like that, well I don't even know her to like her. But why would I get whipped over one girl? Not going to happen when I have multiple girls ready to throw themselves at me. "Hell no Emma is too much of a nerd and way too much of a good girl for me, I like them bad." I said smirking "If you know what I mean."

Matt laughed but an unknown emotion flashed in Derek's eyes when I mentioned Emma and just as it came, it left just as fast. What the hell was that? I just pushed the thought to the back of mind.

"Dude, I got a couple of chicks wanting to hang out, you up for it?" Matt asked me.

I smirked. "Hell yeah, let's go" I said. What a perfect way to forget about that damn nerd.



When Amy dropped me off at my house I went inside to find Tyler watching TV in the living room.

"Hey Ty, what are you watching?" I said plopping down next him on the couch. When I didn't get a response I wave my hand in front of his face "Hello? Tyler?"

"SHH! Emmy I'm trying to watch TV." He said glaring at me for a second with his big green eyes then turned back to the TV. What a bipolar kid.

"Well then." I muttered and shook my head as I walked into the kitchen to see my mom just starting dinner.

"Hey mom, how was work?" I asked her. See my mom works as a real estate agent and my dad works as an accountant at an advertisement company. My parents work hard enough to support us but they always have time to for their children and I'll always be grateful for it. I've got some pretty awesome parents.

"Hey honey, it was okay same as always." She answered as she continued chopping vegetables for dinner. "How was school? Anything new?"

Well school was quiet eventful, first I bumped into the school's hottest and most notorious bad boy and almost had it out with him in the hallway. Next at lunch while sitting at my table I turn around to see him starting and then he winked at me sending me blushing red and at the end of the day I yet again meet him in the parking lot and flat out dissed him and walked away victorious when he tried to start something. Yup it was a normal day just like the rest.

Of course I don't tell her that, instead I said. "Mom it was school it's always the same but it was good."

She nodded and returned to cooking dinner. I grabbed an apple and made my way upstairs to my room to start on my homework. I change out of my clothes into a pair of comfy gray sweatpants and a purple shirt and started to crack the books while munching on my apple. After finishing my homework it was around seven so I decided to go down to help my mom finish dinner and set the table. When dinner was set we all sat at the table eating and conversing about our day.

"Well, tomorrow night I invited my boss and his family are coming over for dinner so I want all of you on your best behavior." He said stating it in my and Tyler's direction. I rolled my eyes. I always behave its Tyler who's the problem. The kid does not know table manners, one time when we were having spaghetti for dinner and he got it up his nose and pulled it through his nostril. It forever ruined spaghetti for me. It was my favorite dish too.

"He has a son your age Emma and he also goes to your school." My dad continued. Huh interesting. I wonder who it is.

"What's your boss's last name? Maybe I know his son or have him in a class" I asked my dad.

"His last name is Black" My dad answered.

Shock was coursing through me when I heard that. No way in hell, it couldn't be! Say it isn't so! Don't tell me that Aiden Black's father is my father's boss?

"Black?" I question back trying to confirm it. Say no, say no.

"Yes, Black." My dad said.

When the hell did this happen?

"Do you know him?" My dad asked.

"Um, yeah I see him around school sometimes." I said still hoping it wasn't true.

Aiden Black's father is my dad's boss? Where the hell was I all these years! I don't even want to see him in school, now he's coming over for dinner tomorrow?

God damn it, Tomorrow is gonna be one very interesting dinner.

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