Chapter 14- The Bad Boy's Past ~

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Chapter 14- The Bad Boy's Past


Aiden gazed out to the lake in front of us. The moon gleamed brightly causing the lake to have a shimmering effect. Aiden sighed deeply and ran a hand through his dark brown hair. "Guess I should start from the being." I stayed silent and waited for him to continue. "As you know my parents are owners of multi-million dollar advertisement company, Red Falls Advertisement, and being owners of such a big company means that they’re not always home or don't have time for anything. Since I can remember I have always been left with a nanny or a maid to help raise me. My parent's never had time to spend with me or take a day to get to know who exactly their son has been raising to be. Growing up parentless and without love and care caused me to act out. Ever since the first day in kindergarten, I've been getting trouble hoping that my parents would care enough to see why I was acting that way, but sadly they never came to see what was going on but that never stopped me from trying." I saw the sadness weighing heavy in Aiden's eyes, I saw a lonely, lost kid wanting love and someone to care for him. He looked so broken, but I remained silent letting him continue.

"One day in the first grade I was pulling a usual prank that any little seven year old kid with guts would do, I put super glue on the teacher's chair. When she sat down to take attendance and try to get back up the chair was glued to her butt." Aiden said with a faint smile on his lips. "She tried prying it off but it wouldn't work all her attempts were failing. The whole class was in fits of giggles and me being the little bad ass I was just sat with a smirk on my face. She looked around the class and saw that I was the only one who wasn't laughing and automatically knew it was me and started yelling. After she was done she sent me to the principal's office, a place I was already familiar with, I walked in and I saw her. A little girl sitting on a chair in the corner swinging her legs back and forth, I knew she was a new student because I never saw her before. She had on flower dress with her blonde hair in pigtails, her blue eyes glanced over to me and instead of being shy and looking away, and she waved at me with a wide grin on her face. To say I was shock would have been an understatement. I stood frozen and I bet my jaw was on the floor, she came up to me and said hi and told me that she was new to town and me being an idiot stood there saying nothing. She introduced herself telling me her name was Mia, I told her my name of course, but that was the only thing I said to her. I was called into the principal's office when a woman who I was guessing was her mom went up to her. I went in and got my punishment and when I went back to class I saw the same little girl with other little kids around her. She came up to me and said hi again and grabbed my hand lead me to the seat next to her. She was an outgoing girl and always had a smile on her face, she loved to laugh and talk to anyone she can and ever since that day we were best friends. We were total opposite though. I was the bad ass who got in trouble everyday and the guy everyone was afraid of while Mia was the sweet good girl who everyone loved." He said reminiscing the past.

"What happened to her?" I blurted out. Aiden's face morphed into anger and hatred was raiding off of him. Shit, I shouldn't have asked that.

"Mark, is what happened."Aiden said menacingly. "Mia and I had just entered our first year of high school with Derek and Matt. We were pumped, you know, finally getting into high school and thinking being there would make you a bad ass. With that mentality, I would get in trouble in almost every class and you would think Mia being the good girl and my best friend would keep me calm and keep me out of trouble but she always told me that she's my friend and not a person who is gonna try and changed me. One day after getting caught vandalizing the side of the school for the third time, the principal was so fed up that he suspended me for the rest of the day. I had walked out to the school parking lot pissed off when I saw a group of seniors near a sleek black car, I was about to look away when a guy with icy blue eyes caught me looking at them. He had a wide smirk on his face and started to walk over to me. I had stood frozen, I didn't know what to do, if I ran they would have caught up to me so I stayed where I was hiding my fear the best I could. He came up and introduced himself as Mark and asked if I wanted to hang out with him and his friends. As a freshman hanging out with seniors automatically made you cool so of course I said yes. Mark took me to his group and we all hung out and at the time Mark and his friends were the bad boys of the school, but I didn't know why he was considered it yet. After that day, I would skip classes and ignore my friends and go hang out with Mark and his friends, they were cool and I wanted to be cool too, but what I didn't know was Mark and his friends had a huge secret that they hid from everyone else." A secret? What kind of secret? I was curious but I didn't interrupt him.

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