Chapter 19- Date Night

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Chapter 19- Date Night


"Oh. My. God. I freaking knew it! I knew it!" Amy exclaimed with joy as she smacked the steering wheel of her car. I had just finished telling everything that happened yesterday and she is literally freaking out right now, as you can see. "I knew he liked you and you didn't believe me." Amy said as we got out of her car and walk toward the school.

"Yeah, yeah you were right." I said rolling my eyes at her as we walk down the hallway of the school towards our lockers. She's never gonna let me live this down.

"I'm never gonna let you live this down." Amy said giving me a smirk. See I told you so. "So tonight is your date." She said waggling her eyebrows suggestively. A blush crept onto my cheeks, tonight is my first date with Aiden. Man that sounds so weird to say that. My first date with Aiden. Not too long ago we were complete strangers and now we're going out on a first date. Huh, never thought that would happen. Amy smacked my arm.

"Owww! What the hell Ames?" I said with a pout on my lips as I rub my poor arm that endured Amy's man strength.

"Look what's on your locker!" She all but yelled at me as she pointed at my locker grinning. I look at my locker and saw that there was a card labeled Emma in very neat handwriting taped onto it.

"Will you calm down? It's like you're the one whose suppose to be excited for today instead of me." I rolled my eyes at her.

"I'm just so happy for you!" Amy exclaimed bouncing up and down.

I placed my hands on her shoulders to stop her from flying through the roof and I bet if I gave her a fair chance with all her bouncing she would. "Amy." I said slowly. "It's just one date."

She stopped bouncing and rolled her eyes at me. "Oh come on Em. Stop acting so cool I know you wanna freak out too, the guy you've had a crush on for so long finally likes you back and asked you out on a date." That cause me to crack a grin, I do wanna freak out because I never in a million years thought Aiden would like me. "See!" Amy said nudging' my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes at her and grabbed the card off of my locker and opened it. 'Hello Sweetheart, so tonight is our date, Man doesn't that sound weird? Anyways I wanted to do something romantic but as you know I'm not that kind of guy. But I'm willing to try for you. Well I can't wait for out date tonight and I'm not gonna tell you what it is or where we're going, but I will give you clues to it and I decided to

make it a little interesting. Throughout the day you will find various cards around the places you go the most and inside of them will be one word clues. Now open your locker.' I did what the card said and opened my locker and in it was single red rose. 'Each places you find a card you will find a red rose and I bet right now you're just as red as the rose.' I touched my cheek and sure enough they were heated with a blush. Damn it he's not even here and he already has me blushing. 'I love it when you blush, so don't worry about look like a tomato with me and don't even try to look for me because you won't find me anywhere today, I'll make sure of it. Enjoy the search. ~Aiden'

I closed the card and smelt the rose in my hand. I can't believe he would go through all this trouble for one date, it makes me feel special. He must really like me to do all of this.

"Awww, that was so adorable!" Amy said over my shoulder.

I turned around and looked at her. "Did you really have to read the card?"

"Yes, of course I do! I need to know if anything fishy is going on or not." I turned her around and pushed her to the way of our first class.

"You're so damn nosey." I said shaking my head.

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