TWENTY-FOUR: Under the moonlight

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Adam's P.O.V


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I haven't seen Kimmy in a couple of weeks, which I understood completely as they recently announced the new addition to the Moreau family. School started around again and I knew that I was going to have the chance to see her again anyway to ask her out to a dinner I had planned in mind. I had also gotten a ring that matched the necklace that I got her when we were in California, a green opal stone with a sliver band.

The pain in my wrist slowly eased away with time and I was glad that it didn't interfere with my day to day life anymore. There's still a twang when I twisted it weird but other than that, it felt great. My father wasn't so pleased to hear the news of my injury, but thankfully the win of the Junior Goodwill games lessened his wrath to only verbally abuse me this time around even though I knew he wanted to do more harm than good. An unreadable expression came over him at the sight of my sling once I had taken the pullover I'd worn off, so, he left me alone for the rest of the night after ranting to me about the random things that were always somehow brought up into his rage fits.

Ever since my parents had gotten a divorce, my father only grew more easy to anger, I had to walk on eggshells anytime I was around him when mom left. It wasn't the same without her, she's the one thing that kept this family together and now it was utterly broken. I'd never get it back. She protected me from him but now she was gone, what did I mean to her? The question's always left unanswered unfortunately, in this moment I'd realize I haven't seen her in quite awhile, the phone calls were getting more spaced out and it only being a few short words before we continued on with our day. I felt like all I had was Kimmy and I ruined it while in California but I hoped to get it back, whatever I needed to do.

I saw the familiar long brown-locks at her locker and hustled my way over, her face brightening when she saw me, "Adam!"

"Hey, how's your mom?" I asked, tugging a smile on my lips.

"She's doing better. Thank you for the diapers and clothes Adam, it was really thoughtful of you." She warmly grinned, her face glowing. God, how is she so perfect?

"It's no biggie," I simply shrugged.

"Are you doing anything later?" She questioned.

I smirked, "Funny thing you ask because that's what I came over here for." 

She adoringly blushed, "Well, I asked first so you need to answer the question."

"No, I'm free tonight. What about you?" It was my turn to ask and I watched patiently as she thought to herself, I wondered what she was thinking.

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