TEN: Playoffs

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☀︎︎Kimmy's P.O.V☀︎︎

Today is a big day for the Ducks, we were all pumped up for the awaiting day of the Playoffs

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Today is a big day for the Ducks, we were all pumped up for the awaiting day of the Playoffs. Teams will versus each other and whoever wins moves up on the scale, doing the same thing over until there's only two teams left to verse and win the title to play Nationally. I didn't get much sleep last night after Adam and I'd first date due to all of the excitement that was happening in my life and I couldn't be more grateful.

Dad hadn't came home yet but I was hoping that he would be able to make it in time to watch Connie and I play and see how much we've improved since he's left, I know that he will be so proud of us.

The game had just started, we were versing against the Hornets. Coach had left me on bench in the first period which left me a little upset because I wanted to be out on the ice with Adam. I watched as he raced down the rink towards the other teams goal, everyone was all cheering for him and I was especially loud. Adam shoot the puck into the goal with ease and everyone jumped out of their seats, cheering and praising the boy.

It ended up being the last period, Coach had finally put me out on the ice after I complained the whole time to him for not letting me leave the bench for most of the game, but he said that he had his reasons so I guess I had to trust him since he is my coach.

Adam was the center while I was his right wing, we fist pumped before we got into our positions. Once the ref dropped the puck, Adam stole it from the player and passed it over to me.

I zoomed down the rink with Adam by my side. I slide it to him and he passed back over to me, dodging the players left and right as we raced down the ice. Once we made it to the goal, I shot it in and before I knew it, my whole team had wrapped me in a group hug. Everyone was cheering, Adam and I hugging each other as our teammates patted our helmets, proud of our power duo. We won 5 to 3!

We said our good games to the other team before we headed down to the locker room to get ready for the second game.


Now we were up against the Cardinals, I was put in the first period and went to center with Adam and Charlie as my wing men.

The tall boy in front of me stared at me challengingly and I returned back the energy. The ref dropped the puck and we fought over it before I shoved him and finally stole it, passing it over to Charlie who was the only one open. He skated towards the other teams goal, but ended up getting blocked in the process so he had to pass it over to Guy who scored. I hugged both Charlie and Guy tightly.

After the last period, we had won again making the final score 4 to 2!We're going to the championships, baby!

Our whole team, even some of the parents, were in the locker room spraying soda everywhere and at each other in celebration to our victory, it was pretty fun! I noticed that Adam was disappointed to see that his dad wasn't down here with us but I cheered him up by spaying him with soda before he scooped me and spun me around in circles making me squeal and playfully hit at his back.

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