46: Visitor

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"And these vampire's, they've been bothering you and your partner since September?" 

I nodded. "The last thing I wanted to do was involve you-"

"No need to worry, dear." Pam smiled. "Vampires like these do tend to annoy permanent residents like me. I'd like to talk to John about it, if you don't mind."

She could try, I thought. This morning I'd try calling Michael but it went straight to voicemail. I was worried of course but I called Kate straight after and she'd said they'd gone home for a well deserved sleep. Michael would try and call me later; that was the message sent to her for me.

Now, I was in the middle of lunch with Pam whilst Amy and Chelsea frolicked about the mountains. Of course, having this conversation in a crowded mess hall wasn't exactly planned; no one paid the slightest bit of attention to our conversation. Some young men leered at Pam; some older men even had the audacity to stare whilst with their own family. But Pam didn't pay them any mind. 

I said John's number and watched her pull out her Samsung and dial the numbers. She held the phone to her ear for almost the full thirty seconds when she smiled. "Hello Jonathan."

She winked at me. "It has been too long... Yes, she's right here. She tells me you lot have a bit of a rogue problem." She said in her darling English accent. "Mmhmm... Give me a moment," She held the phone away from her ear and pressed "mute". "I'll talk to John outside. Then we'll discuss everything."

I watched her - like everyone else in the room - leave through the doors and turned back to my bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. I wonder if they found Tate last night... And if they did, was Tate still alive? 

The thought had me surprisingly worried. Despite saying I didn't care to him, I still do. But it's a two way street. If they got Tate, they could get to his maker and the other vampire. I finished my sandwich and sighed. But I didn't think I wanted him to get hurt...

Pam returned after another five minutes with a bright smile on her face. "John hasn't changed one bit." She laughed. "He asked me to keep an eye on you. How do you feel about that?" 

I blinked. "I, uh... I-"

"I can understand if this is your freedom from all of this then I can respect your wishes. It's not nice having to always be watched. I know of your witches so I get if you want your freedom this week."


"Tell you what," She picked up my phone from beside my plate. "If something happens, you call or text me. I'm sure you don't want me with you twenty-four-seven. Okay?"

I nodded with a small smile. "Okay. Thank you."

"No problem. Now are you ready to get back on the slopes?"

I groaned. "Let my food digest."

"Come on, you're almost a pro! A few more jumps, a smoother finish and we'll have you on the easiest black diamond slope by this evening. Willing to put the work in?"

I exhaled sharply and stood up. "Alright."

"That's the spirit!" She winked. "By tomorrow, you won't need me and you'll be with your friends."

"They'll make fun."

"I highly doubt that." Pam giggled and grabbed my hand. "Come on, sweetie. Let's get you to expert before the day is out!"


I started counting the dial tones for the fifth time since Tuesday night, yesterday morning and night and this morning.

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