24: Sam

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"I wonder what's taking him so long today."

I kept my eyes situated on my desk as Laura and Damien had their conversation about our teacher.

"Maybe he had a late night?" Damien suggested.

Laura sighed. "On a Tuesday night?" 

"You don't know what he's doing with himself after classes."

Katherine's chuckle brought my gaze toward her. "I could guess."

Kate and I haven't spoken since yesterday, but we made a mental eye contact pact that we'd speak later.

The girls and Damien started a conversation on the book we'd read for class; I, however, had my eyes focussed on the door waiting for that beautiful man to walk in.

And just like that, like I'd conjured him up, he walked in looking casual in his khaki coloured smart jeans and a white t-shirt. He owned a lot of white t-shirts. But I wasn't complaining. He looked teasingly delicious. 

I unconsciously started biting my bottom lip as I watched him smile at the class and drop his satchel on his desk. He looked brighter than usual. Like he'd... Oh. 

No wonder he left early this morning. He'd obviously... Fed. 

His eyes scanned the room quickly and landed on me. He sent me a very discreet wink and I smiled back.

"Right." He started. The class went silent. "Hope you all had a great Halloween." There were a few agreements and a nudge on my side where Kate was sitting. "But now it's back to work. I hope you've all read the book I assigned a few weeks ago. Because now," He sat on the front of his desk picking up one of the books in the process. "Now we're going to talk about it."

Throughout the class discussion, which I totally zoned out of, I started to wonder why I thought this would be extremely awkward. I had just about a year of this which was probably one reason. And I suppose... The very interesting, heated yet very discreet, flicker of the eyes he kept sending me could be another. Even right now... Where he was staring at me. Why was he staring at me? He's making it way too obvious

Someone nudged me again and I blinked back into reality. "What?" I mumbled looking at Damien.

He sent me a warning look and jerked his head to the front.

I turned my head to the front to see a few of the students looking at me and Reeves sitting on his desk with crossed arms and an amused smile.

"Well?" He asked.

I blinked. "Um..."

"Answer my theory."

I could feel my face burning as more students started to turn to me. "C-could you maybe... Elaborate on it a bit more?" I stuttered

A wide cocky smile lit up his face and my embarrassment turned to anger. "I said, The Social Contract is one of the single most important declarations of the natural rights of man in the history of Western political philosophy. Would you agree?"

Think, think! What was the main point of the book...? Awh shit. "Um... Yes?"

A few students giggled or chuckled and I mentally shot myself in the head. The asshole.

"You read the book, yes?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Yes I did."

"Good. Now tell me something about it then. Because I see you've been slightly distracted today and to me it doesn't look like you've been paying attention." 

Sink Into MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora