17: Connect The Dots

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My song of the day is Three Days Grace - Lost in You


"Me staying here isn't what I had planned for this evening." I said with a smirk.

"Or mine." Kate half yelled. "I need to be somewhere! And now I've missed my ride. Thank you so much, Reeves."

Michael smiled at us both and stood up from his desk. "Well, considering the fact that Miss O'Shea here missed my lecture yesterday and you, Miss Philips, decided to get on my bad side after class yesterday, you're going to be spending time with me. So you'll be here for about a half hour. You'll help me with book returns and paper filing."

I narrowed my eyes at him playfully but couldn't help but love the fact that I could spend a little more time with him. I was planning on going straight to Aaron's friend's house to ask a few questions. I was hoping they'd let me in once I explained who I was and that the same thing happened to Laura. Aaron had alerted them I'd be coming over but I wasn't sure whether they'd accept me into their house or not. I had to try.

Kate sighed as she walked down the steps to his desk. I, however, stayed in my seat and relaxed into it. I missed an hour and a half which Laura caught me up on so I didn't see why I had to be here. 

"Evie, come down here and put these books in the cupboard please. Stop lounging around. Quicker you get it done the better." I rolled my eyes and stepped down the stairs to the history books. "Katherine. My job for you: see those papers there?" He pointed to a stack of A4 booklets on the edge of his desk. "There are three different stacks that need to be delivered to three different rooms. Mrs. Angus, Mr. Crawford and Mr. Fielding. Deliver those and collect the grade sheets from each of them."

I picked up a bunch of books and straightened my legs. "Why the hell do I get the job of running around for you?" Kate frowned. 

"Because you pissed me off so get going." He chuckled. 

I walked into the store room and sighed. This room will be the death of me. How many times has he sent me in here to get stuff or put stuff back? I grabbed the first five in my hand and dumped them on a shelf in the back. I put the rest on an overstocked shelf on the side and turned around.

Oh, dear. 

"What are you doing?" I held my hands in front of me in a defensive stance.

He smirked down at me and landed his hands on my waist. "Kate should be gone for twenty minutes tops."

I put my hands on his hard chest and had the pleasure of feeling his muscles tense. "What if someone else walks in?"

"I'll know," He said as he backed me against the wall. "Besides, Kate would be the worst person to find out about this. With her, you never know." 

He had no idea. And I didn't exactly want to be the one to tell him I already think she knew about this.

His hot mouth opened against my neck and sucked the flesh into his mouth. I bit my lip to contain my moan and slid my hands to his shoulders. "Michael..."

He paused a moment and let out a long sigh. 

"Let's hear it then." I mumbled suddenly.

He leaned back to look at me. "What?"

"How you're bad for me. How you're not good enough for me. How it's smart for me to stay away from you. How John wouldn't be happy if he knew you were here with me."

"If you gave me a moment, I would have said two of those things." He smiled softly at me and moved a fallen lock of hair away from my face. "I don't want to hurt you."

His face had changed from its jokey smirk he had on a moment ago to a serious and pained face.
I stared into his sincere eyes and told him, "You won't." And then I kissed him. I was in control of the kiss. I licked, sucked and nipped his bottom lip for him to open. At first he didn't respond but then he relaxed against me and tightened his grip on my waist.

His tongue slowly but surely explored my mouth as mine did his. I really couldn't get enough of how he tasted. It was like an addiction that was impossible to satisfy. My body was burning inside and out. The way my body moulded to his so snugly made me wonder what it would be like to be just me and him. Nothing restricting us from exploring each other or having any guard up between us.

But not yet. He wasn't completely there yet and neither was I. But I was sure getting there.

His hand grazed down my thigh and lifted one of my legs. He surprised me by grabbing my other leg and tapping it. I broke away from the kiss to look into his hungry eyes. "You're serious."

He smirked and made me gasp by lifting me. He did it so easily, so effortlessly; I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist and put my hands on his shoulders. 

"Does the fact that we're doing this with the possibility of getting caught because we're in a classroom make this slightly more... exciting?"

I let out a small chuckle which turned into a tiny moan as his pelvis pressed me into the wall. I was in leggings today so the feeling of that particularly large area pressing against me was intensified. "A little bit... Professor Reeves." I teased.

That made him laugh. "Oh, how funny." He crushed his mouth roughly to mine and I couldn't help the small moan. My nerve endings felt like they were about to explode. My body shivered with pure pleasure as his hand moved under my t-shirt and sweater. I ran my hands through his hair and grabbed a fistful of it. He growled transporting both of us into a world filled with undiluted desire. God, this man! How does he do it? How does he make me forget the logic of things and make my mind go caveman?

I undid the first few buttons on his white shirt and skimmed my fingers back and forth against the skin of his shoulders and the front of his chest. His shoulders tensed beneath my touch and he groaned quietly.

His hands stroked my ribcage briefly before moving up to cup one of my breasts. An involuntary and highly embarrassing moan escaped my lips and I felt him smile. 

"You're evil." I mumbled breathlessly as he moved his lips down my jaw, down my neck and to my exposed collarbone.

He moved to the next collarbone and back up until his mouth was above mine. "So I've been told." As he moved backwards off the wall I just about saw the stack of books on the floor close to his feet.

"Michael, wait--!"

He stumbled backwards and I grabbed hold of a shelf for balance which only came down along with a bunch of papers. He held onto me for dear life as we fell backwards. It was like it was slow motion for crying out loud. He landed on his back with a bang and I landed on top of him. 

I lifted my head from his chest to look down at him. When I saw his face I burst out into a fit of laughter. His face looked so surprised and shocked I wondered if he even knew what happened. 

He looked up at me from the floor and frowned deeply. "Alright, Dimples it's not that funny."

That only made me laugh harder. I held my stomach to calm myself down and took deep breaths. "I'm sorry. Your face was priceless though. Kodak moment I promise you that." I bent my head down with a smile and pecked his lips to wipe the frown off his face. "Are you alright? Did I hurt you?" 

He shook his head. "I'm fine. Are you okay?"

Despite the slight throbbing in my knees and elbow I said, "Better than ever." I started to climb off his lap but he stopped me. 

"We're far from finished."

"For now, I suggest we finish before we do anymore damage." I winked and patted his chest as I stood up. I held my hand out to him. He glanced at the hand like it was going to bite him. But then he finally took it and stood up. Not like he needed help anyway. 

He straightened his shirt and said, "Give me a moment to..." He shut his eyes and took a few deep breaths.

I laughed as I walked out of the room with slightly wobbling legs and sorted out my crinkled shirt. I was shaking out my hair when Kate opened the door to the room and walked in. She glanced at me only briefly with raised eyebrows and walked to the front desk. 

"Where's Mr. Ass?" Kate asked with rolled eyes.

I pointed to the cupboard just as he walked out looking like nothing had just happened between us. His buttons were done up, his hair looked like I hadn't touched it at all. "What is it Kate?" However, his voice was still husky and deep.

Kate never missed a beat but she didn't comment on it. "You, Mr. Asshole, had me running halfway across campus not the building."

My eyebrows rose at her choice of words and I wondered if he'd do anything. But he just chuckled and said, "You made it back in one piece right? So all is well." He sauntered to his desk and slumped down in it relaxed and at ease.

I rubbed at my elbow to get rid of the pain and noticed him watching me carefully. 

"Can we go now?" Kate asked out of the blue.

Michael turned his attention to Kate and smiled. "Yes, you can. Don't forget to finish the book. And have a great Halloween." 

Kate laughed. "Oh, Halloween will be excellent." She grabbed her bag from the front of the room and started out.

I grabbed mine and waited until she was out to ask, "You know about the party the seniors are arranging for everyone in one of the lecture halls?"

He smiled. "Of course. John and I will be there as well as Coach Watson. Just because you're all older doesn't mean you don't need chaperones to make sure it doesn't get out of hand."

I nodded ignoring the small spark of happiness that he'd be there. "Alright then. See you there."

He waved his hand for me to come forward. I stepped forward hesitantly, watched him take my bag and pull out my phone. A plain ringtone sounded and he pulled out his own phone to answer it.

He didn't say a word as he then put my phone back into my bag and handed it to me. When I went to look at the dialled numbers I saw that he'd called his own number. So, now he had mine.

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