9: Delicious

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"I'll see you all tomorrow. Evie stay behind."


"Whoa!" Kate said. "Dropping the F bomb much? What have you done?"

Damien, Laura and Kate stared at me waiting for an answer.

"I handed in my Italian Renaissance essay yesterday and it was a load of bull so I'm guessing he's going to yell at me." I mumbled.

"Really?" Damien said. "It was the easiest essay..." He trailed off when I started to glare at him. "Sorry."

"I've just been distracted." I said as I stood up and grabbed my bag.

"With what?" Kate asked.

We all started walking down the steps. "A lot of things..." I mumbled.

"Well," Damien grabbed my arms dramatically once we reached the bottom. "Good luck." He then pulled me into a hug and squeezed. "We hope you live. Because damn has this man been snappy today." He whispered that last part in my ear.

I hope I live too, I thought.

Yesterday in this class, I made no attempt to speak with him unless it was completely necessary. He hadn't tried to speak with me either which I didn't bother taking notice of. It was an in and out class. I actually listened during his lecture. And then I realized if I did listen during those lectures last week I would have been able to do the damn Renaissance essay easily.

I sat on the desk on the front row and watched the last person leave the classroom. I sat playing with my fingers in silence. I just hoped whatever he needed to say wasn't too... Harsh.

I heard his chair scrape against the floor but I didn't look up. His footsteps grew closer and soon enough his body was blocking the light. My essay dropped on top of the table and I had to move my hands. The grade marked in thick blue felt tip pen clearly said 'F'

I sighed and waited for it. I didn't even want to look at his face.

A bundle of lined paper and a pen landed on my desk. He then took a step back.
I stared down at the sheets and finally had to look up in question. I hadn't really been paying attention to how he looked today but for some reason he looked tired. His green eyes were empty, his face looked like it was in a constant scowl.

"What is this?" I asked.

"You're doing it again." He stated.

"Now?" I squeaked in disbelief. "It took me two nights to finish that."

He raised a brow. "Really? Then this will probably take you weeks because the essay you gave me was a load of crap."

I felt like I'd been slapped.

What the hell crawled up his ass?!

"Thanks." I murmured sarcastically. "What's wrong with you, wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

It was like he was trying to burn a hole through me but he didn't reply. He walked into the supply closet and pulled out a load of books. He slammed the books onto the table next to me. "Get started."

I glared at his back as he walked to his desk.



The silence was deafening.

I hadn't looked at the clock the whole time we'd been here but I knew it was past the time where no one would be inside the building. I had done about five or six pages of writing so far. I'd counted the words as I went on and I've got about 1892. Only 108 words left and that would be my conclusion.

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