27: Click

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The song on the side, "Paradise" by Coldplay is going to come in handy at a bit in this chapter!


I shut my eyes and counted to ten as Laura, Damien and Lucas started singing... For the fifth time today.

"Sam and Evie sitting in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g!!"

"I swear to the holiest of Gods, I will murder you all with my fork unless you shut up. We're adults. Not children." I mumbled as I opened my eyes.

Laura's green eyes sparkled with amusement. "Oh, come on we're only playing."

"Lighten up, miss grumpy." Luke nudged me.

I shot him a glare. "You've been singing since Monday. It's now Thursday. Cut it the hell out." I muttered before finishing off my salad.

"Awh, honey. You know we love you. But you're going out with Kate's brother--"

"For the last time, I'm not!"

I'd been dealing with all of this since Monday morning. Sunday, I hadn't really seen them because Michael and I had woken up early and gone straight back to his house to relax. We didn't talk once of Vampires or attacks and haven't since Saturday night. We said we wanted to keep it that way for this week and we have. We practically slept all day Sunday. Well, I did. Michael stayed with me in bed either holding me or just watching me. I did feel slightly self conscious but what could I do? Force him to turn away?

I hadn't seen him since yesterday's lecture and even then we didn't really get a chance to talk. He, thankfully, doesn't pick on me much anymore. We didn't really have question-answer lessons this week, more like a two hour lecture in the Images Theatre.

"Come on," Damien winked.

"I'm telling you the truth." I replied.

I could see Kate walking over from the far side of the cafeteria. I sighed and looked at my watch. Michael was on a break right now I was sure. He usually spent his breaks in his room. Instead of listening to this, I could just join him. Why didn't I think of that in the first place?

I stood up abruptly and they all looked at me with a frown. I smiled at them. "I'm not mad at you guys. Just annoyed." My smile turned into a smirk. "I'm joking. I'm just going to go spend my lunch elsewhere. I'll catch you guys later."

They said their goodbye's with a little tinge of guilt in their voices. I rolled my eyes with a grin and messed up Luke's hair. "I'm not mad."

"Hey! Not the hair." He smiled.

Kate walked over with a wink. "Leaving?"

I nodded with narrowed eyes. "Yes. I'm off to the library. See you soon, Kate."

I'd practically smacked Kate at the back of the head for giving me that drink thing Saturday night. Although it did help, I still didn't appreciate her not telling me until after I drank it.

I walked out of the cafeteria slinging my bag over my shoulder. I was happy that I was going to see Michael; seeing him was always so... Refreshing. As in drinking a glass of water after a hot day out. It was always nice and relaxing. Even our banter's make me happy. It still shows that nothing has changed since finding out about him.

I walked through campus and passed the library to his classroom. His door was only slightly shut so I opened it without making a sound or knocking. A radio on his desk was playing music as he kept his head down marking whatever was in front of him.

I did consider sneaking up behind him and surprising him but I realised that would be impossible. He'd probably sensed someone in the room as soon as the door opened a little.

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