14: Surprise

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"If your pupils dilate like, a lot, what does it mean?"

The girls looked up at me from there dinner and exchanged a look.

Laura dropped her fork with a loud clang. "Well, it's either they're in a very dark room, they're high or..." She looked up at the ceiling. "I'm not sure what else there is."

"What about anger or when they're... Uh... turned on?" I asked holding back the blush.

Kate stopped eating and glanced up at me with interested eyes. "Say what?"

I cleared my throat and ran a hand through my hair. "You know. When... Someone gets--"

Kate raised a brow and leant back in her chair. "I know what happens when someone gets turned on, sweetheart." She played with the silver ball on her lip piercing then moved on to her silver brow piercing that suited her grey short skin tight dress.

Laura and Kate were going to a small gathering in George's dorm halfway up campus. Lucas and I had decided not to go. I just didn't feel up to it and he had an art project he was concentrating on.

"Who are we talking about here?" Kate asked with uncomfortably knowing eyes.

"No one." I shifted in my seat. "Hypothetically speaking."

Kate shrugged anyway. "Could be anger. Or want. It all depends on the person we're talking about here though." Her eyes flashed with something I hadn't seen on her before. It was like she knew. Like she just knew about everything that was going on.

Technically NOTHING was going on between Reeves and me... Technically!! So, he's kissed me twice. So, he made me weak at the knees twice. So he's managed to worm his way into making me want him even more than ever. 

That meant nothing!

It didn't!

After class on Wednesday, I'd sent him my darkest scowl and left the room. He'd embarrassed me that day and I wouldn't forgive him easily. He'd turned into his jackass self within the space of ten minutes! I'd wanted to strangle him but I doubted that that was appropriate. Hell, the things we did together weren't appropriate so strangling him wouldn't really do much of a difference.

Especially after the library...

I'd looked into a mirror when I got home and my eyes had practically bugged out of their sockets.

It looked like he'd tried to bite my neck.

Laura stood up bringing me out of my thoughts. "This guy must have eye problems." She said. "Katherine you ready? The weather predicted rain from nine and onwards."

Kate sent me one more glance and stood. "Yes. Where's Damien?"

"I'm coming down!" He yelled from the stairs. "You girls better be ready."

Laura was in a nice dark blue dress that hit her thigh. They both looked ready to party even though it was probably minus eight degrees outside and about to rain.

Laura clicked her fingers suddenly. "Crap, I forgot to tell you guys! Where's Lucas?"

"He's in his room someone call him." Damien said as he entered the kitchen.


We all flinched at the sound of Laura's screeching voice. Lucas ran down in a paint covered shirt. "What?!"

"Oh good. We're all here. Okay, here's the deal. It's Halloween in a few weeks and the third year's are arranging something in one of the theatres."

"Awesome." Luke said. "I'm down. Now I have to decide what to go as."

Sink Into MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora