The CEO's Trio ~ Thirty

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Ever since I had came back to the Reynolds the days leading up to Christmas was one word. Chaos.

As we all sat by the fire on Christmas Eve watching How the Grinch stole Christmas I could tell tomorrow was going to be even worse.

Audri was quick to snag a seat next to Sebastian and put her head in on his broad chest while she closed her eyes and pretending to sleep.

While she got to pretend to sleep I had to pretend not to care.

"This one doesn't have as much movies as the cinema room," Olivia said yawning as she pulled Bear closer to her face and snuggled him.

I ran a hand through Winstons soft silky fur and pulled him closer to me. I bent down and kissed his ear before tickling it.

"Me!" Oliver yelled laying down so that I could stroke him aswell. I ran my hand through his back, fingering the fluffy Christmas onesie he was wearing; The onesie that all of us were wearing even Bear had gotten his own little version.

"I'm going to go and get more popcorn," I announced picking up me and Oliver's popcorn bowl and walking to the kitchen.

I grabbed the bag of toffee popcorn and began to pour it in the bowl, enjoying the silence of the house.

I quickly turned around feeling eyes on me and saw Sebastian standing there.

"Sorry," he apologised quietly as we walked over to the sink and began to fill his cup with water.

He was just about to leave when I called him back "What's the plan for tomorrow?"

"We open the presents in the morning and then my friend is hosting a Christmas party," he explained turning back round and leaving the kitchen.

Ever since Oliver confessed Sebastian has been avoiding me like the plague.

I can't seem to understand why.

I heard panting behind me and looked down to where Winston was stood. He walked over to me and began rubbing his head against my leg.

I bent down and rubbed his head.

I opened the cupboard where all his dog treats had been placed and pulled out a dog biscuit and placed it in his mouth which me munched on happily.

I grabbed the bowl and walked back into the living room, sitting down next to Oliver and Winston.

We continued to watch the movie the only sounds were the sound of popcorn being munched and the sounds from the movie.

I turned my head just to glance at Sebastian and Audrianna.

Her head was on shoulder and she was also glancing up at him every few seconds while he just carelessly typed away on his phone.

He raised his head and turned to face me, meeting my gaze. I quickly turned away and faced the movie.

Oliver had fallen asleep on my lap and Winston had fallen asleep directly under my feet. I reached for the throw blanket and put it over Oliver and I and the part of the blanket that reached the floor was used to cover Winston.

I rested my head on the pillow next to me and continued to watch the bright images dance around on the screen, until everything became blurry and soon enough I was sound asleep.

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