The CEO's Trio ~ Nineteen

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I sighed dramatically as I dumped my spoon in the last container of ice-cream.

No matter how many times I watched this stupid movie Will always kills himself and leaves Lou.

"Can we watch Find Dory now?" Olivia asked laying on a pile of pillows "We've watched this movie four times already and I'm bored!"

"Olivia Reynolds, you must learn to appreciate the art of... love?" I found myself getting confused because after analysing this movie and the book I still didn't understand if Will loved Lou.

I sat up groggily and stood up unsteadily to my own two feet and signed throwing Olivia the remote.

"You can watch your stupid movie, but you're making the biggest mistake of your life!" I yelled over- dramictially as I picked up all three of my ice-cream cartons and walked to the recycling bin.

I watched the ice-cream cartons fall into the bin and I couldn't help but bite my lip, the poor cartons.

They had just been used for my pleasure and now I was throwing them away.

I walked back into the kitchen just to see Dory's face come into view.

Olive's face scrunched up and she let out a wail. I walked over to get and picked her up gently shushing her.

Being a baby would be so simple, crying whenever I wanted to. Sleeping for however I liked and just simply worrying about whatever, not having to deal with the consequences.

I kissed Olives cheek and placed her on my hip, while using my free hand to pull out the baby food. I dumped that on the table and stood up on my tip ties grabbing the delicious baby biscuits.

Olive pulled at my hair, trying to put some of it in her mouth. Which did not end up well and she ended up punching herself in the face.

She let out a piercing scream and tried again which ended up with the same result.

I took out the milk that I had pumped earlier on that day and heated it up.

Every time I closed my eyes, I saw him standing in front, his face twisted in anger as he swore at me, yelling at me for simply caring.

He'd left me a note in an envelope this morning, I found it on my bedside table.

Of course, I hadn't read the note seeing as I was still so angry at him. If he thought writing me a silly little letter was going to make everything better, then hd had another thing coming.

I closed the bottle and gave it one last shake, making sure it was warm enough before handing it to Olive.

She knew how to feed herself.

I placed her into her high chair and put two more biscuits on her tray.

While I'm in here might aswell start making dinner.

Sebastian probably wasn't going to be coming back tonight. He and Audrianna were probably at it already on his desk or something like that. I knew I shouldn't be jealous but I couldn't help it.

I could just imagine that thin-as-a-pin model laying on a large chaise, with servants hand feeding her grapes whilst she stroked her large pregnant stomach.

I filled up the massive pot with water, and let it heat up for a while before adding the spaghetti.

The kids were just going to have to deal with eating spaghetti Bolognese tonight.

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