The CEO's Trio ~ One

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Welcome to the FIRST CHAPTER of the CEO's Trio, I hope you enjoy.

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Lots of love.

A/N: The comments made in this first chapter aren't there to cause offence. So please don't take offence to them.



Chapter 1| The Beginning.

It was moments like this that made me wonder, 'Is it too late to become a stripper?'

    All I would have to do was do a few spins on a pole and earn millions, instead of having to listen to the old hag, Mrs Johnston rant about the next door neighbours of the this house that I had taken her to look at.

Each time she would speak, her vile breath would fill the air making it hard to breathe.

"Er.. Rylee Ifamshe?" She called, tilting her head to the side and glancing at me suspiciously.

"Actually it's Rylee Jordan." I corrected her gently, smiling warmly at her.

God, I hate her so much.

Damn you Dennis!

"But it says Rylee Ifamshe 'ere so that's what I'm going to call yer," She argued, letting out a breath, her foul breath filling the air as she done so.

I used my hand to cover my nose, as I pretended to think.

"Ifamshe is my boyfriend's last name there must be a misunderstanding I'm Rylee Jordan." I repeated, scrunching up my nose at the foul smell.

"Ifamshe, Jordan same difference." Mrs Johnston rolled her eyes and began chewing on her nails.

"Anyway," I said, changing the subject, "How are you liking the house is it attends all your needs? There's another lovely house around if you don't like this one." I rambled.

"Is it up in the countryside?" she asked energetically, bouncing up and down slightly, like a young child at Christmas.

"No there was no houses up there," I replied monotonously as I bit my lip, "I already told you."

"Of course there's not," she rolled her eyes and sighed, "Bloody immigrants."

Every time she spoke, she made me want to jump out of a window.

I didn't hate my job, it wasn't what I had aimed for but I definitely didn't hate it.

I just hated the people around here, especially Mrs Johnston.

"Excuse me?" I asked sassily raising an eyebrow. How dare she?

"Nothin', I didn't say nothin'." she protested, shaking her head and moving away from me.

'That's what I thought,' was what I wanted to say, but instead I had to smile and nod and act like this was okay.

    Last time I had yelled at someone, I'd almost lost my job.

Worst part about it; My boyfriends my boss. He gave me some long speech about how the rules also applied to me, girlfriend or not.

"Shall we get out of here? I can give you a ride home." I offered, big mistake. She nodded her head eagerly and began packing up her things, by things I mean cigarettes.

   I led her to my Audi TT, that I had saved up for months to buy. So that one day I could hopefully drive away from everyone here and never look back.

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