Chapter Fifty-One (51)

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Tylers p.o.v

Abigail gave me fifty dollars, that I did not want.

But she said I had to take it or she would get me the girlest covers she can find. So unwillingly I took it, and now Owen and I are going to Walmart.

Everything went back to normal with Owen. Yup, that means we have intense make out sessions in his room. Just kidding, but we do, do the occasional hot lip locks.

But yesterday Abigail took Owen out to Safeway or some where and apparently it was bad, he wouldnt look up, and he was walking really slow, looking at everybody twice.

But then again, hes still in recovery, he doesnt like to be out in public, but he will still go out. Hes a tough monkey.

And hes my tough monkey.

But I think the tough monkey is to tough sometimes. I hear him in the bathroom masturbating. And you can tell if he is or not because he always hits on the wall when nothing happens and I almost walking in, I heard him grunting, once or twice.

I wish I could fix him, I mean no guy would like it if their mini wouldnt rise, even if they got the shit beat out of them. But Owen is Owen, hes small and vulnerable, hurting him is like hurting your grandma, and this one issue. I think is the thing that bugs him the most.

And nobody knows when he will actually be able to get a erection.

Like bad doctors much?

But I heard Ms Randy discussing that it might just be to much stress. They could put him on a pill, but she said no, and honestly I agree. I think Owen would too. Who would want to get an erection with a pill. And its not even natural.

I dont know, I guess it would just bug me, knowing that if we got into a situation with sexual intercourse... And Owen or I had taken a pill.. I think it would ruin the mood you know. But it would still be amazing, but I would have to say it would be sex then, not love.

Love is a natural desire, and sex is straight up lust in my opinion.

Owen tugged on my hand, and we stood in front of a shelf with a whole bunch of comfoters. "Uh... Im look round," Owen whispered.

"Do you have your phone?" I held his hand tighter scared to let him go, and he nodded. "Get it on the loudest OK?" I swung his arm, and he nodded again. I bit my lip, kind of scared to let him go alone, "Wait, I dont know," I pulled him in for a hug.

"Im fine," he said into my chest, "Ill be in the movies," he nodded smiling, showing me his braces.

I gave him a look, then nodded. "Promise you will text me?" I held out a pinky, and he took it with his, nodding."OK, Ill be right there after I pick one out K? Give me like five maybe ten minutes?"

He nodded, "Movies," he flicked his finger, then turned around going through all the isles, I felt like going and chasing after him. I didnt trust nobody here, and I said I would keep him safe... But by letting him go I cant watch him.. I cant keep him safe.

I ran my hands over my face. Hes OK, hes just going to look at movies, then Ill go check for him, and he'll be fine then we can leave.

[~*~Ten minutes later~*~]

I picked out a black comforter with plaid gray lines, and I was headed to the movie sections.

Looking down all the isles, but I didnt see Owen.

"For fuck sakes," I cursed at myself, nearly running back to the comforter isle, he still wasnt there. I pulled my phone out, calling Owen.

"Hi," he answered, he sounded weird,

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