Chapter Forty-Six (46)

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Owens p.o.v

[Time skip--Day before testimony]

Tyler was taking me to our family doctor to remove the rest of my finger casts, while my mom was picking me up a suit for tomorrows testimony.

My head was resting on the window, while sun beat down on the Jeep making it really hot, even with the air conditioning, and a seat cooler.

"Here, have some water," Tyler passed me a water bottle, I shook my head, at put it into the cup holder, "Owen," he playfully growled, "I dont want you to get dehydrated, you had like nothing to drink or eat today," he pouted, taking his eyes off the road to look at me. "Ill buy you ice cream after we get the splints off your fingers" he smiled, batting his eye lashes at me.

While, I, weighed the pros and cons; what if the server started talking bad about me, just like at 7Eleven, what if.. what if we get kicked out because were gay.

"Nothing bad is going to happen," Tyler rubbed my hand with his thumb, "Ill even let you eat some of my ice cream," he teased, making me roll my eyes and quietly laugh, then noticed Tyler smiling at me, causing me to blush.

About ten minutes later of silence, we pulled up into the parking lot, and got out of the Jeep, walking into the family doctors room. I laid on the bed, and my broken arm was on a supporter next to it, resting me eyes as we waited for the doctor man to come in.

Tylers humming filling my ears as I drifted to sleep.

"Owen," someone cooed into my ear, shaking me, "Were here," they said again.

I shook my head, and ended up smacking my head into something hard, flinging my eyes open I put my hands to my head, groaning in pain.

Feeling myself get lifted up, and pulled against a body--Tylers body, I swung my hands over his shoulders locking them around his neck and resting my head on his shoulder as he put my legs around his waist, a light rumble coming from his chest as he laughed.

"What kind of ice cream do you want?" he asked, bouncing me up and down in his arms,

"Cookie dough," I tried to whisper,

"Hey, can I get two cookie dough ice creams please," Tyler asked the person,

"Oh my god, Tyler, Owen! Long time no see," the voice--males voice, greeted, Tyler turned me around, and I swear he almost dropped me. "Why havent you guys been coming here? We've all missed you!" I opened my eyes as Tyler set me down, still holding on to me tightly,

"My fault sorry," Tyler said, handing money over to him, me... Still being lazy, rested almost all my weight onto Tylers side,

"It was, that nasty girl you came in here with, she was rude," my heart clenched, and Tyler stiffened, "I thought you to where going out," the man in front of my frowned. And Tyler stiffened,

"It was the worst mistake of my life," Tyler looked down at me, and kissed me dead on the lips, causing me to blushed, and a 'awehs' to happen.

"Thanks," Tyler said as he took our ice creams to a table, and we both sat down, "Nice to see your awake, I thought you fell asleep on me back there," he poked out his tongue, and scooped up some of his ice cream putting it in his mouth.

Me doing the same with mine, chomping it down and swallowing it, the delicious taste of cookie dough running down my taste buds, and down my throat.

"Thank you," I croaked, blushing as I heard my rough, scratchy voice.

Tyler smiled at me, and winked, continuing to eat his ice cream.

When we were done, we went back home, and I went to my room, to be joined soon by Tyler, he laid himself on my tummy and rubbed my side.

"Why?" he asked randomly, tilting my head to the side, I looked at him, "Why dont you talk anymore?" He paused, I shrugged, "Have you ever heard your voice?" I shrugged, I probably wouldnt like it, knowing it hasnt been used for like all my life, it would be... I dont even know,

"Dont you want to hear it?" he continued, I nodded this time. Out of pure curiousity. "Then try to talk," he looked me deep in the eyes, now laying himself beside me, "Talk to me, Owen, talk to me," he pleaded, grabbing my good hand.

His eyes on our intertwined hands the for a while, then back on my face.

I opened my mouth, but closed it again, what would I say?, I asked myself.

"Say my name," he whispered, face close to mine,

I opened my mouth, choking on my first word. He nodded his encouragement, squeezing my hand, I cant do this, I got this. I encouraged myself as well. I said his name before right? Yes, I said other words to right?

"T..." I paused, and looked up at him, right in his dark brown eyes, now covered with his hair, Untangling out fingers, I brushed his hair our of his eyes, then put our hands back together, "Tyler Williams," I said. But it came out more like, 'Tywer Wiwwiams'

I could feel my throat tighten, did I sound like that? I curse people I talk to with a voice like that? That was horrible, It was rough--not deep--but really rough, it was scratchy, and you could tell it wasnt used in years, I sounded like a grandpa, old, wrinkly, and baggy. Im not that old!

Im no grandpa, this needs to be fixed, I cant live with hearing that voice. It was horrid, how could somebody like to hear that? Tyler must be deaf.

"Oh," Tyler groaned, "So beautiful," He pulled me ontop of him, earning an 'ompf' sound from me, "Again," I breathed onto my neck, I shook my head, "Tell me you love me," he said, in a begging voice.

"I... I... Lo... L.. Love you," I said, loud enough for him to hear,

"You better," he chuckled, squeezing me lightly, but holding me close to him.

And I did, "I love you," he told me.

"Again," I whispered,

"I love you,"

"Again," I repeated, resting my head over his heart,

"I love you,"

"Please," I begged, knowing that his heart belonged to me,

"I love you so much, Owen" he only hugged me tighter, causing me to giggle, as I tried to get some air to my lungs.

"OK, I get it," I wheezed, trying to get up, from getting molded to his chest.

He let out a laugh, and flipped me on the bed, tickling me pink, cause my scratchy giggles to fill the room.

"Say it," he demanded, "Say you love me," he taunted in a singing voice, I shook my head, "Or I wont stop tickling you,"he teased, tickling my sides more.

"I... I love..." I paused giggling, "My mommy!" I sang, giggling as Tyler scoffed,

"What about me," he pouted, I was able to shrug through all my giggle fits, he tickled me even more.

"I love you!" I screeched,

"Didnt hear you," he stuck out his tongue,

"I love you!" I then yelled at the top of my lungs, making my throat hurt, but I didnt care. It was true,

I love Tyler Williams! I smiled, and hugged Tyler down to me.

What the hell is wrong with me?


Enjoyy ~!

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