Chapter Thirty-Four (34)

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Tylers p.o.v

Its been one day.

And I sat wierly quite in the lobby. I am mad, pissed, sad on the fucking edge; they say Owen is doing 'good' not well, he needs plenty of rest.

They said he wont wake up, for a while. a week or two tops.

They doped him up, so he wouldnt wake up, because he needs a blood transfusion, but they dont have his blood type, which is -O [O Negative], they said that he could survive with his blood, but his heart isnt producing enough soon enough to help his body function.

And Ms Randy doesnt have the right blood, and hell I dont even know if I would be able to, because she wont let me get tested. They only person who does have the right blood type is his father, but nobody can get a hold of him, not even Ms Randy.

The donors dont even have -O , and thats the only type he can receive. The type his body will only accept.

They let her in a while ago to see him. And she hasnt come out since, and Im the only one who is in the damn waiting room.

It was pretty easy to get the information too, the girls are cheap, just like the one at the school. Give them a twenty and they open their mouths just like their legs.

I placed the stupid magazine on the chair beside me, blowing out a rough breath. My eyes wandering around the room. My leg buzzed and I reached into my pocket,

Mom........ Is calling

Flashed on the screen,

I unlocked it, pushing the green button and putting it to my ear, "What?"

"Where are you? You didnt come home yesterday, are you OK?" she rushed into the end of the phone,

I bit my lip and looked down the hall, some were in there Owens there.

"No mom, Im not OK, Im at the hospital" I whispered sadly,

"Why? Im putting you on speaker" she rushed, once again.

"Mom, hes in the hospital" I cried, "He.... He...." tears finally came out of my eyes and my breath came irregular.


"Mom, Owen is in the hospital" I breathed out, putting my head in between my legs.Then I heard arguing in the background.

"Fag" was the first word I heard, and my blood boiled.

"Shut the fuck up" I spat, "Hes really starting to piss me off, he wont let me live my life!" I nearly screamed,"Stop treating me like Im some stupid person, I dont care if you like it or not Im gay"

"No son of mine is gay, and if your going to be gay, leave my hou--LEO!" My mom scolded at the end.

"No Mom. Let him finish, I dont want to go back their. BACK TO HOMOPHOBIC PARENTS!" I yelled into the phone pulling it away from my ear.

"Honey, Im sorry, I didnt mean to, I swear to god. I still love you. Even if your gay. I still love you and always will" My mom rushed to tell me.

"I love you too Mom, and... I think I... Love him" I breathed out.

"Im glad hes in the hospital, somebody has some sense to do something right for the world. Now just for him to die and we'll get our son back" my 'dad' said rather loudly,

"Im sorry, mom. I cant do this, he hurts me. He hurt the one I love, and its his fault. Im not coming home, not tonight. Not ever until it stops, he should face it that I WILL get him back and be the happiest person in the world" I hung up the phone throwing it at the wall, watching it shatter to the ground.

Fuck my life.

[~*~Next Day~*~]

I paid the nurse at the front still, getting information about Owen.

I passed out in the chair, and have an aching neck. The only reason I left was to go get some food. But when I went to pick up my burger... All my hunger I had, was not gone.

I couldnt eat knowing Owen was like this.

Was barely alive, because of me.

I silently cried, cupping my face with my hands. I passed up the best thing that happened to me.I jumped when I felt a small hand on my shoulder, I looked up through blury eyes, and met similar ones to Owens.

The big eyes that were the most beautifulest light brown. But that wasnt the hand that was on my shoulder, instead it was a nurse. Ms Randy on the other side of the room.

"Would you like to get tested?" the nurse asked,

I looked at Ms Randy. Then back at the nurse, "Yes, Yes, Yes... I want to, God yes! I want to get tested. Please let me!" I begged, falling to Ms Randys knees. Crying.

"Im so sorry Tyler!" She said, hugging me back, "I... I.... I should of let you get checked, please. Come get checked for Owens sake, please. He... They said that, if he doesnt get one soon he might not make it" she wailed.

"Ill do it, Ill do anything" I hugged her back, she smelled just like him... Just like Owen.

"OK, come on" she huffed, trying to lift me up, she held my hand tightly as we started to walk into the back. I was taken into a room, with a chair and a whole bunch of vials.

"We have to test it first, because like I said before, if your not -O , he'll have to wait for a donor" I nodded my understanding, then looked at Ms Randy, who had a brow cocked.

"I... Paid her... To let me know how Owen was doing" I confessed.

"So its true?" she asked, almost in tears again. But I dont get what shes saying. "I heard you talking... You... You said you loved him?" she asked, a single tear rolling out of her eye.

"I... I do" I looked her in the eye, then I felt something pinch my arm. I knew it was the needle. But It didnt hurt that much, thinking about Owen made it feel actually good. Knowing that I might be able to help him, save him.

"We'll give you the results, later today hopefully." she smiled. Unstrapping my arm, allowing me to get up. She placed a cotton ball on the little wouldnt and put a band-aid over it.

"Lets go see Owen" Ms Randy said, holding my hand--in a friendly way.

I looked at her shocked. As she squeezed my arm. "Thank you so much" I mumbled pulling her into a tight embrace.



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