Chapter Thirty-Seven (37)

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Tylers p.o.v

I was in his room.

I was dressed in the sweats he took from my room--from my closet. When we slept over, on our first date. I found a couple shirts also, making me cry. Everything smells so much like him.

I laid on his bed, my face in his pillow, arm hanging off a side. My hands creeping around on the floor and venturing under his bed. My fingers stumbled upon a hard book like cover.

Lifting it, I bring it onto the bed, reading what it says, and it instantly brungtears to my eyes.

My first date !

I read with a whole bunch of hearts around.

There was pictures of us hugging, and me kissing his cheek, him kissing mine. My arm around him and vice-versa, turning the page, I laughed, the pictures of us running away to my Jeep.

But then it brought more tears, when I found something wrapped in a tissue with dry blood on it. I picked it up, and froze, when I noticed it was his razor.

He was going to give me it for our anniversary. And I did the stupidest thing; I gave it back.

I gave it back, when I knew for a fact that he would use it again, I should of taken it out of the case, then gave the box back, letting him know that I still liked him, and I wouldnt let anybody hurt him, or let him hurt himself.

But I did the exact opposite; infact I let others hurt him, I let Joe, my supposed best friend, and Shannon, the cover up skank, and they hurt him way more than I ever wanted to; I never wanted to hurt him. Never, ever, ever in the word of hell. I love him, I loved him and I let others hurt him.

And I watched, I watched and didnt help. Just like before, but more worse. I made him fall in love with me, then I dropped him like a piece of trash that he never was.

I fucked up so bad.

And this was the result.

I buried my face in the pillow, inhaling non-stop of Owens scent. Which made me cry, more.

I kept my head in the pillows, then pulling the covers over my body; I just want to be wrapped in his smell. I sound like a creeper but I dont care.

I soon found myself passing out, right were I laid. In the middle of the bed, photo album clutched to my chest, it was what? seven.

Ms Randy let me use Owens phone, knowing I thrown mine against the wall, so thats what we were talking on Owens phone, as I ran towards the hospital. Keys in my hand, phone to my ear.

She was telling me that he was showing signs of movement, but it doesnt make sense. Its been like what. four maybe five days.. They said that it would take a week or two.

"You have some magical blood my boy" she whispered, sounding like she was crying.

"Just wait, Im coming. Im coming!" I yelled into the phone, clicking the elevator button. But it was taking forever. I looked back and forth in the hospital, and spotted stairs.

Sprinting toward them, I took them two by two.

"He wo-" and my phone disconnected.

"WAIT!" I yelled, huffing in frustration, I put my phone in my pocket, and raced up the stairs. Fast.

Running to room, I busted into the room, huffing and puffing. Tears pooling in my eyes, when I met the brown tired, ones of Owens, they seemed shocked at first, then tears piled in them,

"Owen," I rushed up to him and he flinched away. "Im so sorry, I never meant to leave you!" I appologized, "Please, please, please, please, Im pray to God forgive me!" I cried, then realized one thing that I totally forgot. He could hear me.

I cant hear you... But I wish I couldOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora