Chapter Thirty-Five (35)

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Tylers p.o.v

I was walking down the hallway nervously; It had been an hour and a half after the blood test.

I was originally going to see Owen right after, but his mom said it might be better if I got new clothes, because the ones I was wearing had some of Owens blood on it still. She tried giving me money, but I didnt take it. Shes probably is having a hard time with everything and I dont think she needs me to be taking her money, and I was only going to get a shirt from the gift shop, and pants from the clothing shop down stairs.

It was nothing fancy, but not cheap.

But hell, am I ever scared... Not only for seeing Owen but for like the blood tests, and not knowing if I my blood type is the same as his, so thats fricken nerve racking. But, what... What if he doesnt make it, because nobody has the same blood type. And what if Ms Randy will have to bury her son when hes only fifteen and a half years old, and its all because of me; being vulnerable, alone, depressed, lonely, and dies because I wasnt protecting him like I said I would, I hurt him the way I told him I wouldnt.

My stomach began to churn as I was walking up to his room, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207 and....... 208.

I paused, blowing out a shaky breath. I could hear talking coming from the room, and I knew it wasnt Owen.. So it must be some nurses and what not...

I put my hand on the door nob and opened the door slowly, the curtain was drawn and I could hear the voices from the other side, "Yes... Yah... OK, thats all you need. There you go" A feminine voice cooed.

Clearing my throat, a nurse popped her head out from behind the curtain. "Oh Hello!" She chirped.

"Um.... Hi" I smiled back, my hands shaking.

"Your Tyler, am I right?" she asked, unsure. I nodded, not trusting my voice one bit. She stepped out from beneath the curtain, with a clip board, "I was told to give you this" she passed it to me, pushing me toward the curtain, "Have a good day" she patted my back, frowning slightly.

I wiped my eyes, and looked at the clip board. Were on the top was written; Injuries.

In big bold writing.

Before stepping behind the curtain I quickly skimmed over the list, tears, obviously, falling out of my eyes. It was so gruesome.

Broken Right leg,

Left ankle fractured.

Left, fractured; Pointer, Middle, Ring, Pinkie,

Broken Left arm,

Broken Left wrist,

Broken fourteen ribs,

Punctured Organs (lungs, stomach, small intestine)

Severe cuts and bruises,

Severe blood lose,

Anus Tearing,

Victim of Rape,

Needs Braces, when awoken. (Year tops)

Breathing tube,

Serious weightloss,

Catheter (Condom)

The list never ended, my fists clenched the board, and I peered aroung the curtain. There was blankets and white wraps every where--on him, on the side. Everything was connected to him, to Owen.

His small petite body was wrapped, cacoon like in the blanket, wires came from under the blanket, and over the top. His hands placed ontop of the covers, they were smaller than ever. His fingers were smaller than before. A IV placed on his right hand, then another needle on his right arm vein.

I sat on that side, and just stared at his body with his hand in mine; I laced or fingers together like old times. Gently squeezing it, then peaking up to his angelic face; making my eyes water.

It wasnt discontorted, it was just bruised lots, and had scratches littered all over, he didnt even look his color.

But there was more tubes, a cord with two things up his nose, and one big one, going into his mouth.

"Fuck, Im sorry" I whispered, biting my lip, trying not to cry. "I never should of left you" I sniffled, "Dont leave me... God, Owen, please dont leave me," I bursted out cying, holding his hand to my face, kissing it. Kissing each tender finger slowly. "I miss you so much" I murmured, bringing his hand to my lips.

I peaked up at him, his hair was in his face, so I brushed it out, gently touching the skin as well. I stood, and placed a tender kiss on his forehead, letting my lips linger there. "I love you, Owen" I told him, my lips still lingering at his forehead."Dont leave me" I told him again.

My lips longed to be on his, I missed the touch, the touch of his soft pink lips on mine, even though they looked chapped, and cracked. They probably still would feel like heaven on mine.

I sat on the chair, resting my head on my arm. Keeping his hand close, I was scared if I let go, he would float up and leave, and I needed him, as much as he needed me... If he still does.

"Hello?" A voice interrupted my current thoughts, I wiped my face, before turning around and face the doctor, smiling. "I guess you've seen... this?" he bended down and picked up the clip board.

I nodded weakly, clearing my throat before speaking, "Um.. Yes, I did, sir" I frowned slightly,

"Mmmm" he hummed, something Owen used to do, "I will tell you the things I told Ms Randy, Yes?", making me return with a nod. "Well, to be completely honest... Im really surprised he has no head injuries, because he was hit, or beat greatly" he paused, "I, and we believe, that he was still beaten after he went unconscious. He has already got the surgery he needs, as you see the patch over his left ear? The other ear we were not able to get hearing, but the left there still was a small opening, so we went into trauma and we did, the ear and body the same time. His hair is untouched, just a little shaved off the edge," he paused, "You are aware he has been....." he cleared his throat, wincing slightly, "Raped", I angrily nodded, wiping away more tears. "We checked him for any... STI's, diseases. And he has none, we told Ms Randy, that he should just go get checked by the family doctor still, just incase." he paused scratching his neck, "He had been injured lots in the..." he paused gesturing to the 'lower area', "And, we dont know if that will affect his probability in getting an erection, but since he is unconscious, we have no idea, so when he awakes, we'll have to get him tested for that" he stopped.

His voice was confident, like he knew he would wake up. And there was no doubt about it, "And... We will be doing the blood transfusion... Thats the actual reason I came in here, we have matched your blood types. And..." he paused... "There similar" he finally ended, my mouth was open wide.



The song ----> What if - Jason Derulo,

Should have been at the beginning, when they met... But. YAh....

Picture, kinda what he looked like,

Enjoyyyy ~!

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