Chapter 1 | New job

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Chris's Pov:

'Tie, check! Coat, check! Keys, check! Let's go!' Mentally checking off all my belongings, I head out the door. Getting in the backseat, I put my seatbelt on and turned to him, my junior colleague. "Good morning... Oh God, I'm so sleepy! I shouldn't have gotten out of bed today..." I mention, yawning throughout my sentence.

"Oh come on.... I'm still shocked how you can feel still feel sleepy at eleven o'clock when the sun is high in the sky and the — HEY, at least listen to me Mr. Chris! Don't fall asleep again on the backseat! " He shouted something but I didn't hear, well more like I didn't really care to hear, I was so sleepy. "Hmmm? Yeah yeah.... G'night! "

He groaned as he started the car and I heard the soft sound of the engine and then, I blacked out. You can't blame me, it's such a soothing sound and I've been up all night. I'm.... what people call a genius... a talented person who at the 'young age' of twenty one works as the chief engineer in the popular brand the Mercedes Benz, yeah... the famous car company. Urgh, I still don't understand why people have the #IatelunchwithDonaldTrump reaction. It's just a brand for god sake.. and it wasn't that hard to get into, but talking to my colleagues, it sounds like a different story to them...

"-Hris! For Jesus sake wake up! "My subordinate... I forgot his name and honestly, I kinda don't care. One, He shook me up from my well deserved sleep. Two, he knew I was up all night to make blue prints while this lazy ass crashed at midnight, dreaming of his girlfriend on my couch. Don't ask how I know that.... just know I do and I'm pissed...

Suddenly the door is opened as I get up and sleepily walk to my office, crashing on the sofa as the boss walks in, "Hey Johny... "I muttered sleepily, as my body fall on the comforting couch. I recommend that every company should have a softy sofa. It's great!

Him taking no offence to me, merely chuckles and ruffles my hair, teasing "Chris, baby," He knows how irritated I get by that name, but I still ignore him cause he's my boss. Also more importantly, I'm gonna lay down on this comfy red sofa for the whole day and no ones gonna stop me. Yay!

As if Johny could read my mind, he informed me of the worst news... "Your mom called, she's coming today. " I'm gonna slee-WHAT THE FUCK! WHY????

I jumped from the couch and gave him the 'why didn't you tell me before look' and he replied with the usual and casual 'because you didn't ask' with a wink. I swear... that man will kill me one day. I huffed and threw him the blueprints before grabbing his car keys and going out of the office.

I wonder why everyone is looking at me like that? Is it too shocking that I just left the owner of the company without a 'bye' and took his car keys? Probably... but People always exaggerate...

I sighed as I started the engine of his car and drove off home once more. Why did I even come here anyways? I wanna sleep for two -three hours and then prepare myself mentally because the woman.... that evil woman wh-who is said to be courageous, generous, affectionate, compassionate, my mother or mommy was coming today. I swear, just thinking evil things about he scares me, like she'll hear them inside my head. In short, the devil was entering my house today.

My mother was the only reason I left my home in Australia and came to Germany, the literal opposite side of the globe. I was living a very peaceful life until one day, she got my address from the owner of the company I work in, who also happened to be her ex-boyfriend, or god knows the status of their relationship.... I don't EVEN wanna think about it. 

This one time. She barged into my house, kicking open the door and entered the bathroom where I was taking a nap, naked...
I don't wanna recall what happened after that. I just hope that she doesn't get hyper and destroy my peaceful life again.

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