Chapter Eight: Anger, passion and being knocked out

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Chapter Eight: Anger, passion and being knocked out

Voodoo POV:

"I was a psychologist a long time ago. I had a job, a very well paid job. I had a loving husband who believed in me no matter what, and I had the most beautiful adorable child that anyone could ever ask for," I tell Scarecrow pouring myself another drink. I take a sip of the liquor and let the burning sensation travel down my throat. I look down at the golden liquid in my glass and twirl it around.

"I had everything I could ever ask for and more. Claire had the life that she had always wanted, she was happy. I was happy. I had a family that I could depend on. I loved both Matthew and Toby, so tell me, Doctor, why would I kill the people I love? I am not a sociopath, I HAVE FEELINGS!" I throw the glass against the wall and clutch my head in pain. I look and see Scarecrow analyzing my every move.

"And I know what you are doing. You are watching my behavior and seeing what triggers all of my emotions. I was you at one point in my life, I was just an imaginary friend of Claire's, and I was someone she feared. She blames me for murdering her family, our family! But why would I when I loved them so much?" I ask. I feel a stray tear roll down my cheek. Everything is finally kicking in. I'm starting to feel Claire's emotions and I don't like it.

"I was her friend! I AM her ONLY FRIEND! I don't want to be like this, I don't want to kill people, and I don't want to be a villain. I just want to be me! WHY CAN'T I JUST BE MYSELF?!" I shout. I feel myself fall to my knees and tears continue to pour out my eyes. I never wanted Toby and Matthew to be gone. I was the wall that Claire lent on when she was feeling unhappy; I was just that voice in her head. But I have feelings too! And now I was also feeling Claire's.

"What's going on? Voodoo?" I hear Claire call out. I try to ignore her but I cannot push her away for too long. Everything is draining me. I need a break; I need to find out who killed Matthew and Toby. I must make it my mission, she deserves to find the real killer and they need to pay.

"Just let me take over my own body, please," Claire begs. I nod my head and close my eyes. I need a rest. I should not drink whiskey. I'm an emotional drunk.

Claire POV:

I open my eyes and notice that I am on the floor. I look up and notice Jonathan is staring at me, watching my every move. I look over and see the broken pieces of glass scattered all over the floor. I gulp and look at Jonathan again. His eyes are lighter than what they usually are.

"Scarecrow?" I question whilst slowly standing to my feet. Jonathan tilts his head to the side and nods his head slowly.

"I'm guessing I threw that glass at the wall," I state. Scarecrow nods his head and just continues to stare at me. I nod my own head and walk slowly towards the cabinet across the room. I look into the cabinet and see my reflection. I had mascara running down my face and my makeup is smudged. I lift my hand up to my face and look at the red leaking out of my cheek.

"What happened?" I turn around and stare at Scarecrow. He walks towards me and looks into my eyes and then pulls something out of his pocket. I look down and see a small pocket knife in his hand. My pocket knife?

Scarecrow POV:

I pull out the pocket knife from my pocket and show it, Claire. She's just had woken back up. It looked like alcohol and Voodoo did not mix well at all. She could handle my fear toxin but not whiskey. Claire touches her face subconsciously when she sees her blade.

"Tear me limb from limb... I'm just a voodoo doll..." Voodoo starts to sing. I watch as she pulls out a pocket knife from her breasts and flicks the blade up. She continues to hum to herself. She's had at least ten glasses of whiskey at the moment and not at one point have I stopped her. I think it is safe just to watch what she is going to do.

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