Chapter Four: Monday Tease

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Chapter Four: Monday Tease

Monday morning is finally here. The day that I dread. Today is the day that I leave my cell for the first time in months to go and see Dr Crane to talk about my life. I know the drill by now. I knew it before I came to Arkham. First get taken to the cell and the Dr talks to you. Then secondly you get asked questions and therefore talk and discuss your life problems... blah blah blah blah. Simple really then once the session is over you leave without making any progress.

"ROBSON! GET UP AND READY TO LEAVE NOW!" I hear one of the arrogant guards call. I sigh and place my head in my hands. I shake it lightly. I do not want to do this at all. I am bored enough already.

"You know Claire we could just skip the session and pretend to be sick." I heard the voice call.  I inwardly sigh and mentally scold the voice and then answer back.

"You know even if I do he will come into my cell and I will be in trouble so there is physically no point." I snap back.

"ROBSON YOU READY?!" The same guard screams. I sigh angrily and then stand up and walk over to the door separating us and shout.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK?... I AIN'T NAKED YOU KNOW!" I yell back. I hear Voodoo snigger at my comment and I hear the lock to my door click and the door gets yanked open. There standing annoyed and beyond frustrated is the guard.

"Hello Gregory." I say sweetly. I smile at him and give him a small wave. He scowls at me and then walks into my cell and attaches the cuffs to my wrists. He pushes me out of the door. Don't have to be so rough. I think.

"Meow, look over there boys. They brought out the hotness in this place. Better start stripping!" I hear an insane voice shout. I look over at the man who stands inside of a cell and then raise my brow at him. I study his features and see that he has one half of his face burned and red whist the other looks human. He is grinning at me like a mad Cheshire cat.

"SHUT IT DENT!" I hear another voice shout. I turn and see a man with dark brown copper hair staring at me with his elusive brown eyes. He nods towards me. He has an arrogant and egoistic smile on his face.

"NYGMA LOOK IT'S ALICE!" A man with bright blonde hair and hazel blue eyes calls. He looks fascinated with me. He tries to reach out to me and then a guard on duty hits the cell with a metal bar.

"The guards are already getting violent. Back away Tetch the crow bars next!"  Another voice says. I see a man with bright green hair and his face plastered paint. I knew who this definitely was. Besides him was a woman with long blonde hair tied into a two pony tails. She was clinging onto him.

"Arw Mister J, I wanna see a bit of action here." She complains.

"Seriously Harley can't you ever lose that annoying Brooklyn accent? Or even better shut up!" I see a man who had his skin tinted blue and his hair was white. His cell was freezing and I could see my breath as I walked past it.

"Really? Stop arguing the lot of you, some of us are trying to plan their next heist." A woman with brown hair and brown eyes says. She is pressed up against her wall and had an hour glass figure.

"Why don't you shut it cat and go back to your little cage." Nygma calls out.

"Well at least I don't sit in my cell waiting for their best friend to break them out." She snaps back.

"He promised and he never breaks his promises. He is reliable and you know it." Nygma starts to get defensive.

"Come along Robson." Gregory pushes me.

"Oh that's the pretties name." A voice purrs.

"SHUT IT DENT!" I heard all of them shriek. I chuckle and feel Voodoo laughing with me.

"They're just as insane as the rest of us." She laughs. As we come up to a door, Greg knocks and I hear a faint call.

"Come in!" Greg opens the door and shoves me instead. I hiss as he pushes me into the chair that is attached to the floor.

"What do you want me to do with her Doc?" Greg asks. Dr Crane raises his brow and scowls at him slightly.

"Leave." He suggests. The guard huffs and then leaves whilst slamming the door shut.

"Jerk..." I mutter. My head is down and I think I can see in the corner of my eye, Dr Crane grin. I stand there not really do much but staring into space until I hear Dr Crane clear his throat. I look up at him and prevent the remark to come out of my mouth.

"Please take a seat Mrs Robson." He says. I look at him in surprise.

"What no chains, cuffs or restraints?" I question. He looks up at me and shakes his head. I can tell he wants to chuckle but he prevents himself from doing so as he says.

"No Mrs Robson I feel in order to get down the reason you are hear we need to form some sort of trust between ourselves." He points out and I take a seat.

"Now Mrs Robson-" Before he can talk I hold up my hand. He becomes silent and then looks at me in curiosity.

"First, don't call me Mrs Robson please if anything call me Miss Connors. My husband is dead so there is no point in addressing me with my married name and secondly. Don't start asking questions you already know the answer to. I presume you have read my file. I know how this works. I believe you forget I was once in your position." I point out and look at him seriously. He sighs and then nods his head.

"Well then Miss Connors... What would you wish to discuss? These are your sessions and are working for your benefit." He says to me. I then sigh and think for a moment.

"To be honest Dr Crane, I don't want to talk. I just want to be left alone. Where no one can find me." I state. Dr Crane notes this down and then he asks me whilst placing his pen down on the desk.

"Why is that Miss Connors?" I then look around his office. It is neat and tidy. There is not anything that looks out of place. He relaxes but for some strange reason he doesn't seem to be at ease with himself.

"Are you married Dr Crane?" I immediately ask. He looks at me astonished and then closes his eyes and re opens them.

"No I am not Miss Connors." He says to me. I nod my head and then ask afterwards.

"Girlfriend?" He seems taken back by this question as well. He shakes his head.

"No Miss Connors, now would you pleas-" I cut him off and then say.

"Really? I'm surprised I thought you would have someone to share your life considering that you are so intelligent and well... you have a mysterious look about you. I thought chicks dig that stuff?" I ask him. He then places a hand on the peck of his nose.

"Miss Connors I do not want to talk about my personal life in these sessions." He declares. I then look how tense he looks.

"It's just that I sense that you are stressed out that is all. Your body language suggests that you are in a state of tiredness and you look exhausted. You almost seem out of place."


As soon as she says this I look at her bewildered. She could see straight through my act. Being a psychiatrist isn't what I would call fun. Fun to me was testing out some of my fear toxins on people. This was not like this. Claire amuses me and at the same time she intrigues me. She has an alluring personality about her. Something that I haven't seen in a woman before.

There is an amount of suffering in her eyes that she attempts to hide but I can see straight through it like she can me. She was right about me being out of place. I just want to be free. I have no longer any true desire to work at Arkham apart from to test out on patients and try to find out a way to free Edward and the rest of the group.

But now I think I may have found a new purpose in why I may stay at Arkham just for a little while longer. I am not only going to break out the group but also Claire. I know it seems mad and insane but I truly think that if given a chance she can change for the better. In fact I believe that she can be so much more. And all she has to do is embrace her fears... 

Fear Behind The Mask (Scarecrow/Gotham Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon