Chapter Five: Break out

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Chapter Five: Break out

The asylum alarm's ring out and I see red lights constantly flickering and flashing throughout the whole ward. I am sat in the middle of the room at the moment and I was having an internal fight with Voodoo before the alarms started to shout.

"Why not Claire? Look, the whole murdering gang squad is going to break out of here, they have their accomplice, so why are you still here?"  Voodoo asks me. I shrug my shoulders and then close my eyes softly.

"You know why, I do not want to cause any more trouble than I already have. I have seen the break outs and no one has ever given me a second glance. So what is the point in trying to break out when no one cares?" I question her back. I hear her sigh heavily. I know I have won the battle for now.

I take a deep breath and focus on the noise outside my room. With the alarms still blaring out I can only just make slight sounds. I sense footsteps running outside of my room. But a pair of feet stop directly outside my door. I perk my ears up and listen.

"You can't do this. We need to leave now!" I hear a familiar voice press on. There is silence for a moment until the second even more familiar voice says.

"I need her, she needs to be with us Ed, she could be what we are looking for." There is a reluctant sigh and then a short, "fine" afterwards until the pair of footsteps are only metres away from me.

"You have to let me out now!" Voodoo cries. I know she wants to have the excitement. She feeds off of it. But that is the problem she is too powerful and I just fade away.

Voodoo POV:

I keep my eye's closed and wait as the handle on the door presses down. When it snaps I smile sweetly and await for my "saviour" to enter the room.

"Robson?" The voice calls out. I recognise the voice faintly but it is much deeper than I last remember it to be.

"Claire's not able to come to the phone right now please leave a message after the beep... BEEP!" I sing. I can sense the confusion screaming off of the person. I laugh in my head and only wait for his next answer.

"Claire?" The voice questions. I then finally open my eye's. My eye's are a shade of mystic black with golden flakes in them. My eye's are the reason I am me, they shine of power. I now see the utter uncertainty on the man. He wears a brown wheat sack as a mask to cover his face but his clothing is only a plain black suit. I smile at him. I can see behind the mask.

"Nope, she isn't here anymore. It's just me." I say in an inviting way. He walks forward and walks around in me in circles as though I am prey. But I am more of the predator.

"Then who are you?" I hear him ask. I smile and then stand up. I am only a few inches shorter than him but that doesn't matter. I then take a small bow and introduce myself.

"My name is Voodoo and you must be the infamous Scarecrow, the one who wears the burlap sack. The one who send's fear into Gotham's heart." I whisper seductively. I smile sweetly after that. He seems taken back in shock and does not say a word. It is as though he cannot muster a single sentence together. He clears his throat after the dead silence and says.

"You are correct, but I could kill you." He warns. I then take a small breath in and laugh. That is the most funniest thing that I have ever heard. I wipe my eye's from the tears and then state.

"But you won't." I say as a fact. He then reveals a hand with needles pointing from each end of his fingers. He brings them towards my face and holds then centimetres away from my face.

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