Chapter Three: The Meeting

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Chapter Three: The Meeting

Rocking back and forth doesn't amuse anyone, people may think that it does but they are wrong, rocking back and forth is only a past time. It isn't something that you enjoy, you cannot enjoy something so lifeless.

"Claire let me out... Claire." The voice calls out. I shake my head. Not today honey. I think. I then sigh and close my eyes. I don't impartically want to be here but I have to. I start to hum. It's the only other pass time I can think of to do.

"Story of my life

Searching for the right

But it keeps avoiding me

Sorrow in my soul"

"Cause it seems that wrong

Really loves my company

He's more than a man

And this is more than love"

"The reason that the sky is blue

The clouds are rollin' in

Because I'm gone again

And to him I just can't be true"

"And I know that he knows I'm unfaithful

And it kills him inside

To know that I am happy with some other guy

I can see him dying"

"I don't want to do this anymore

I don't want to be the reason why

Every time I walk out the door

I see him die a little more inside

I don't want to hurt him anymore

I don't want to take away his life

I don't want to be a murderer" I sing sadly. This song means a lot to me. Well, besides from the fact that I didn't murder my husband nor was I unfaithful. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Are you sure about that Mrs Robson?" I snap my eyes open hearing a voice in front of me. Standing in front of me is a pair of black polished shoes. I trail my eyes up the body of the stranger. A man with pale blue eyes and dark brown hair with glasses hanging on his eyes is staring at me. I raise my brow at the suitcase in his hand.

"Who's this fella?"  The voice asks me. I then mentally shrug.

"How am I supposed to know that?" I question my voice. To the everyday person I would be staring into deep space, not acknowledging the world around me.

"Who are you?" I question the man. He then pulls out a metal chair from the corner of my cell and sits in it. He places his suitcase on the floor and stares at me. Observing me.

"Freak alert!" The voice calls.

"What's in the suitcase?" I ask him. I then he raises his brow and sighs. He places his hands together on his lap and then says to me.

"I am the one who asks the questions Mrs Robson not you." He explains. I then raise my own brow. Who does this guy think he is? Wandering into my cell unannounced and acting like he owns the place? I think.

"But to prevent your curiosity. My name is Dr. Jonathan Crane and I am your new psychiatrist." He tells me. I then let out a small chuckle. He looks at me sceptically before asking.

"Please do tell me what you find so funny?" He asks me. I then shake my head and laugh a little more. I then cross my legs in the middle of the room and place my hands in my lap.

"My psychiatrist? I thought everyone had given up on me? I am what they all like to call... a lost cause." I explain. Dr. Crane shakes his head and then watches me intently.

"Only Doctor Robson has faith in you, however because he is family to you he is not aloud to have contact with you and it would be strictly unprofessional, so you have me from now on." He tells me. My mind then goes back to my brother in law. He's the only one who has stood by me throughout this whole time and has not lost faith in me.

"And what are you here to do Dr. Crane?" I ask him. He then takes off his glasses and then says to me simply.

"To make observations about your mental state, to see if I can do anything to help you with what you are feeling right now. Maybe even find the reason behind why you killed your husband and son." He tells me. I then shake my head and I go from being a small innocent flower to a fire breathing dragon. My fists clench in anger.

"I didn't kill them!" I say angrily. Crane doesn't loose eye contact with me. The next words to come out of his mouth surprises me.

"I believe you." I can literally feel my eyes getting bigger.

"Did he just say he believes us?" The voice questions. I nod my head and then I have my mouth slightly open.

"Don't leave your mouth open too long, it will catch flies." He smirks. I am practically left speechless. I then watch as he stands back up and heads towards the door.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Mrs Robson, our first meeting will be on Monday Morning so be ready." And he walks out. My mind is literally blown. It's messed up and then only word I can think to describe how I am feeling at the moment is... What?!


I walk out of Claire's cell.  I notice that she seems surprised that I say that I believe her. I know that her mental state isn't stable but she isn't completely insane like some other inmates. All she needs is a little push. But then again, Claire is really something, Something special is about her and I need to find out what.

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