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*This is not a poem*


Have you ever feel scared of your feeling?

I did.

I experienced this kind of doubt inside me, that holds me inside my comfort zone. It's as if I step outside my comfort zone, I'll be at war. But then I realize, even in my comfort zone, I'm at war too.

One side told me that staying inside is the logical thing to do because if I stay I'd be safe and sound. There was this tiny sound in my head that tells me if I go out there and let my feelings show, I'll be an easy target, it will be easier for people to hurt me and break my heart to pieces because I give them the power to do exactly that. The other side told me that I'm missing out the big thing if I stay inside, and I'd experience nothing so I won't learn anything.

But trusting people is really hard for me. Letting them know my deepest secret is a giant step for me. I wasn't ready for that. I wasn't ready to bare my soul out in the open for anyone to see because I was too afraid they would ruin it.

But you'll never know if you never try. So you have to overcome your fear and just embrace your feeling. You are afraid to lose your mind if you follow your heart, but there's a greater chance you might lose the one you love if you stay inside your happy bubble and afraid to explore your feeling.

My curiosity get the best of me so I did what was considered reckless and foolish. I open up slowly, and now I'm balancing myself outside my comfort zone. And I'm fine, perfectly fine.

So, I'm telling you. It's okay. Don't be scared. Go out and tell the world how you feel, show them. If people are accepting it, consider it's a bonus. The worst thing that could happen is people not accepting it. But at least you're free of your doubt. You're not wandering in a dark place anymore. Everything will be crystal clear and it's up to you to do whatever you want to do with that new information.


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