My Choice

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I've been told
That it's wrong to be close with you
It's wrong to care for you
It's wrong to have feelings for you

I've been told
That I should just let you go
And I should just bury my feelings
And distance myself from you

I've been told
But my heart close its' ears
And hope the comments would just disappear
Because it doesn't want to hear

I've been told
That I'm not thinking clearly
That what am I doing is wrong
That I'm being foolish
And my decision is irresponsible

But I keep saying to myself
It's okay
You're worth it

I am happy
You are happy
We are happy
And that's all that matters for me
Eventhough it's just temporary

People keep saying that I'm out of my mind.
I replied to them, "Tell me, if you have to choose between temporary happiness and lose that only chance of happiness.. which one would you choose?"
And I can see their answer in their eyes even before they speak.

I choose you.

Against all odds,
I choose you.


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