I'd Never

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I'd never be bored
Looking at you
Studying your features
Seeing the way the corner of your mouth curls up when you smile
Resisting the urge to touch the dimples on your cheeks
Seeing the mischievous twinkle in your eyes when you laugh
Hearing the light chuckle that reverberate from your throat
Watching the way your whole body shakes when you can't contain your laughter
Watching you bend your body forward
Seeing the way your hair falls to your forehead
Smiling at the sight of you clutching your stomach
Watching your face reddens
And join you in the laughter

I'd never be bored.

Even after my cheeks hurt
Even after my smile twisted
Even after my vision is blurred
Even after my stomach feels knotted
Even after I don't remember what I'm laughing at
I'd never be bored.

Even after you're gone,
I still wish to the moon
That you'll be back
and laugh with me again.

Because I'd never be bored.
Not in this life, or the life after.


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